Streets of Galle Fort
A trek through the streets of Galle
Fort since the sixties
NN=Nickname (a common practice among the Moors of Ceylon used to identify families based on some significant event, business practice, or personal attribute)
This work started out
sometime in the 2020s after the work on “Bamba Days” and “Wellawatte Ways” was
nearing completion. The object of the exercise was to identify, map, and
record, the streets, homes, and people, who lived around the streets in the
Fort of Galle, similar to what was done for the towns of Colombo. The record
begins at the entrance to the Fort from Galle Road and moves through the maze
of the streets within, all the way to the lighthouse at the south most tip.
Obtaining information by
contacting those who lived in Galle in the 60s was no mean task as many of them
were off my radar and out of reach.
Many friends from Galle Fort have extended their assistance by way of information
about the streets they still live in. Due recognition, by name, is provided at
the end of this blog post.
The work has now evolved
into a huge canvas of the Fort, remembered and compiled and which now has
documented many wonderful memories from the best times of the lives of the
Fazli Sameer/
to the Fort
the train from Colombo reaches Galle, in three hours, and one leaves the
precincts of the station, the look of the town does not appear to justify any
of the historical importance attached to it, The 116 km drive by car on Galle
Road has now been reduced to one hour, if one chooses to take the new southern
highway. Once in town it doesn’t take much to discover the entrance to the
little town within Galle fort. The ancient town has seen many changes &
upheavals during the last few centuries, but perhaps none like the quiet one
that it is presently experiencing. The Fort has been declared an archealogical
reserve and a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 1969.
Portuguese captured Galle from the Sinhala kings in 1587, only to succumb to
the Dutch in 1640. The Dutch considerably enhanced the Portuguese fortifications,
says Nora Roberts, a long time resident of Galle who spent ten years
researching its history.
Dutch possessions in Ceylon passed to the British by treaty in 1796, including
the legacy of Dutch style tropical houses & grander administrative
buildings within Galle Fort. The British continued to use Galle as Ceylon's
chief port, until Colombo superseded it, around 1880 (Robert's 1993).
the British moved from Galle Fort to Colombo, the Muslim community began to
establish a presence there although there had remained, until as relatively
recently as the end of WW2, a sizable Dutch Burgher community,
indicate that the Muslim community accounted for 80% of Galle Fort's
population, while the majority Sinhalese community made up the remaining 20%.
Nora Roberts also notes that "Inside the fort surrounded by Dutch
ramparts, life still moves leisurely at
dusk when the
& schools are closed & kindly ghosts moved up and down in the
Galle Fort town..." in her appropriately titled book, “Galle as quiet as
asleep” (1993).
combination of historical & architectural significance had led Galle Fort
to be declared a world heritage site. This attracted World Bank funding for
renovations completed to the court complex. The existence of justice &
other government departments located within the Fort is the main reason why
people outside the Fort disturb its otherwise tranquil atmosphere.
owners of Dutch colonial period houses
numbering more than 300, have been sold to many foreigners in recent years.
Galle Dutch Fort has been declared a World Heritage Site, the qualification
establishing the city of Galle as a “Main Stream” entry in the agenda of any
visitor who steps on the shores of Sri Lanka.
fort itself has six sides and the walls are connected together through 14
bastions. The main entrance to the Galle Fort is from the north. This is called
the New Gate as the British added it to the fort in the late 19th century.
Walking clock-wise from the main entrance, the path goes past the Sun Bastion
to the “Old Gate” where the British had their Court of Arms engraved on the top
of the entrance. Inside the ‘Old Gate” the Dutch era of the East India Company
is clearly visible with the words VOC engraved in the inner wall. These
initials stand for “Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie”.
Next comes the Black Fort marked as the Zwart Bastion, built perhaps by
the Portuguese and hence being the oldest of the Galle Fort Bastions. The walk
along the ramparts takes you past the Akersloot Bastion and the Aurora Bastion
and brings you to the Galle Fort Light House. The southernmost point of the
fort is the Flag Rock and then the ramparts angle to the north to reach the
Triton Bastion followed by the Neptune Bastion, Clippenberg Bastion and Aeolis
Bastion ending at the strong north wall in which stands the Star Bastion and
the Moon Bastion.
of the significant heritage monuments in Galle Fort are the Dutch Reformed
Church, with its historic belfry dated 1707 and cast in 1709, which
rang every hour; the old Dutch government house; the residence of the
Commander; Great Warehouse near the Old Gate,
around 1669 to store spices and ship equipment (which now houses
the National Maritime Museum); the Old Dutch Hospital; the Meera
Mosque built in 1904; (rebuilt by Ahamed Haji
Ismail in 1909), the Buddhist temple built at the site of Portuguese Roman
Catholic Church; the All Saints Anglican Church built in 1871; the
1882 Clock Tower donated by Samson D’Abrew Rajapakse of Kosgoda (built
in memory of the eminent surgeon, Dr P Daniel Anthonisz, a Dutch Burgher
citizen) and the 1939 Galle Lighthouse, Groote Kerk (Dutch Reformed
Church), New Orient Hotel, Breadfruit Tree, Groote Kerk (Dutch Reformed Church)
Inside the Fort there are two museums, the Dutch Museum and the Maritime
Museum. Both are disappointments as museums go, specially considering that you
would expect a treasure trove of historical information and documents. The
Groote Kerk or Great Church still stands as it did from Dutch times. The
original church has been refurbished through the years. Today it is more a
memento of the British times than the Dutch.

Mosque & Lighthouse
Reinforced by the Portuguese in the 16 century,
Galle Fort was later fortified and conquered by the Dutch in the 17
century, until it was colonized by the British in the 19 century. The town
of Galle was once used as a trading port for spices and other goods
for many centuries by Arab, Chinese and Indian merchants. It is recorded that
the natural harbour on its coast has been used by travelers and traders from
pre Christian times.
CanonGalle with its splendid bay and massive
defences has been compared to some of the best of Europe’s coastal fortress
towns. It is believed that Galle is the biblical port of Tarshish to
which King Solomon sent his ships to trade for ivory and spices. A
tradition continued by Arab traders in later times.
The Arabs called the port
Qali. The name Galle may have been derived from the
Sinhala gala (rock), being a reference to the large rock that
stands just outside the anchorage.
Alternatively it
may been derived from the Sinhala gaala, that is
enclosure for the bullock carts that called at the port. The latter
is the more likely version of how the name was derived. The
Portuguese and the Dutch translated the name into the Latin for cockerel, gallus and
called it respectively Punte Gale and Punto de Galle. The Coat of Arms of the
Dutch commandant of Galle consisted of a cockerel standing on a rock.
The Fort
Aerial view of the Galle FortThe Fort sits on a small rock ringed
projection into the sea on the Western side of the bay. The shape of
the projection dictated the nature of the defences and when in 1505 the
Portuguese first came to build the fortifications to protect their growing township they built
a wall across the projection and strengthened it with three rounded, flat sided
bastions, one at each end and one in the centre. Approach was
restricted to a causeway at the eastern end leading to an entrance near the
The Dutch took the Fort in 1640 and
rebuilt the defences following closely on the Portuguese pattern with the old
bastions built as a core into much larger new works - the Sun bastion on the
east, the Star bastion on the west and the Moon bastion at the centre.
They built nine new bastions, clockwise
from the east Zwart, Akersloot, Aurora, Utrecht, Flagrock, Triton, Neptune,
Clippenburg and Aeolus and joined them to the three older bastions with a
rampart running right round. Among the other improvements of the
Dutch was an ingenious and perhaps unique drainage system which used the ebb
and flow of the tide to flush the sewers.
The approach continued to be over the
causeway with the sea virtually encircling the Fort with water right up to the
foot of the wall. The Fort continued as the Dutch seat of Government
in Ceylon until the capture of Colombo in 1656 and thereafter as the Southern
Headquarters. The Coat of Arms of the Dutch East India Company (VOC
– for Vereenigde Oost Indische Compagnie) can be still seen over the inner
archway of the original gate.
The Fort came under the British at end of
the Eighteenth Century as a result of the treaty of Amiens. They
made a few alterations – the draining of the water outside the main front, the
forming of two roads, one over the causeway and one through the new gate they opened
between the Sun and Moon bastions. The British Coat of Arms appears
over the outer archway of the original gate.
The Fort continued as a British possession
until 1948 when Sri Lanka gained independence.
The Fort still retains its characteristically Dutch
architecture with gabled buildings, built with large verandahs supported by
round pillars. Houses such as ‘Jasmine Cottage’ still retain their massive
carved doors which are in four sections.
Family tradition traces their beginnings in Sri Lanka to
Yemeni traders who had settled down in a little hamlet called Kachchiwatte by
Magalle laying just behind the anchorage that later developed into the Galle
The existence of this community is also
referred to by Ibnu Batuta, the Moor from Tangier who states that in
CE 1344 he was entertained at Qali (the name by which the Moors still refer to
Galle) by a ship’s captain named Ibrahim2.
In 1774 a Moorish widow living in Magalle
had complained to the Dutch Commandant of Galle that she and her daughters were
being harassed by some hooligans living in the vicinity. The
Commandant had made arrangements for the widow and her daughters to live within
the Fort. The fact that a Moorish widow and her seven daughters
lived in the Fort is evidenced by an entry in Willem Jacob Van der Graff’s
enumeration of 1789. The name of the widow is given as Raheema
Umma. The names of the daughters however have not been recorded.
In British times Chief Justice Alexander
Jhonstone had a copy of the inscription on a tablet found at the mosque by the
rivulet at Kachiwatte, flowing into Galle harbor, sent to England for
translation. The tablet recorded that in the latter part of the
Tenth Century, the Abbassid Caliph of Baghdad, At-Taib’Illah Abdul Karim Abu Bakr
(CE 974-991) had sought the permission of King Udaya IV to send one Khalid Abu
Bakia to provide religious instruction to a community of Muslims living in
written by (the late) Naufel Abdul Rahman, 2020 ***
The Streets of Galle Fort
(entry to the Fort)
is the main Galle Road that borders the Galle Cricket Stadium and wends it way
through the rampart gates into the Galle Fort
A street in the town of Galle, outside
the Fort, that starts from the Esplanade Road and runs along the north eastern
border of the Fort, entering at the Queens Street intersection.
Located right opposite Church Cross Street,
this road leads to the old Fort Gate where the Latin inscription “Deu et Mon Droit”
(My God & my country), is inscribed. There are two very large old wooden
gates, Ms Walker Sons & Co Ltd (1936), one of the oldest engineering corporations
in Sri Lanka, Queens House (1873), are located at this entrance.
Gas Station
The Government Archeology Department
Maritime Museum
Baan Street
It is related that the street name is
actually pronounced as “Line Baan” because it was used to make rope for the
ships that docked at Galle harbor. “Line” is rope in Portuguese.
The street has manu homes and buildings
and starts at the crossing of Hospital
Street and Queens Street at the old gate. The street is also lined with many
antique, curio, gems and jewellery shops. There are also many law offices of
the leading lawyers in the Fort.The street crosses New Lane I, passes Small
Cross Street and ends at the Meeran Mosque.
Court, Orlando Antique House and the historical mansion owned by MA Gaffar
Several people
who lived down this street are,
NN=Kaka-Bo, Cader
& Fathima and daughters Zuhriya and RAINA
(Private car hire) & family, daughter Mangala
Nana Udu - Shirani, Shireen, Abdullah, Ilyas, PAKKIR, KULZUM, SAFEENA, MALEEHA, & JASEEMA
Udu - Fathuma (Abdul Razak) and children, Fazlani, & Shamriya
NN=Doll, Khaija
and children, Rizniya, Zaim, Ramza
AMS Deen (Khadija
Hanoon Marikar), Fazeena, Noor Ajward
Hasaniya, and children Naadiya, Shaheera, Ijaz, Ishara, Bilal, Vizla, Bishara, Zahra
(husband is a traditional gem cutter), children Kamal, Siddeeq, Kaleel, Cassim,
Naseema, Saniya, Fareeda, & FAREEKA
NN=Gutham -
Haniffa Nana, daughter Haleema, son in law Mohideen, grandchildren Muzammil,
Naima, Mudassir, Zuhair, Zaahira, Maahir & ZUBAIR
#61 NN=Abul Hassan Hajiar Udu/Del
Gaha Gedera (Breadfruit tree house): Abul Hassan and Sithy Khadija; their
progeny; Hussain (Aishathul Alaviya), Mahmood Ismail (died at 2 years), Ibrahim
(Noorul Hasaniya), (Haleema-thus-Sa’diya (Abdul Haseeb), Shamsadeen (Zainun
Nadha), Hamza (Fathuma) and Sithy Ameera (S.M.H. Abdul Cader).
Muwaffaka writes “according
to my grandmother (Haleema-thus-Sa’diya), this house used to belong to her
mother’s paternal aunt. She was childless, and gifted the house to her niece,
my great-grandmother Sithy Khadija. My grandmother also used to say that,
according to her parents, she went without a name for almost a month after she
was born as her parents were looking for a good meaningful name. Then her
mother had a dream where this Grand aunt asked her to name the baby after
herself - Haleema-thus-Sa’diya."
Muwaffaka further adds, “My
grandmother and all her siblings except one (her oldest brother Hussain, who
moved to Thalapitiya) settled down in Galle Fort (grand uncle Ibrahim (owner of
the envelope factory in Galle Fort) and Ummamma- my grandmother at Leyn Baan
Street, Grand uncle Shamsadeen at Church Street and Grand uncle Hamza at Light
House Street). My Umamma told me that our house was also called Pokshu Uudu,
because my Grandmother's granddad used to be a skilled marksman and when he
went bird hunting, his sack (Pokshu) would be the one to get filled quickly
with the birds he shot.”
Haleema and her older brother
Hussain, married another set of siblings; Abdul Haseeb and his sister Aishathul
Alaviya, cousins from their mother’s side. Hussain and Aishathul Alaviya moved
and settled down in Thalapitiya making frequent trips to the ancestral house at
#61 in Galle Fort with their kids; Ilyas, Irfan, Sithy Khadija, Fareehan,
Noorul Azmiya, Sithy Nuwaira, Ahmed Hassan and Sithy Farahiya.
Haleema and Abdul Haseeb settled
down at #61 with their kids: Mahroof, Aathika, Sithy Nuwaira (Niece they raised
as their own) and Fathima Hanim. Mahroof, a founder member of the Galle Muslim
Cultural Association (GMCA) and proprietor of GMA Printers in Wellawatte,
married Sithy Rumaidha from Fort, Matara and left to settle down in Colombo. Aathika
married Zawahir and moved to Weligama. Sithy Nuwaira married Hamza Marikkar
(from another Galle Fort Family) and moved to Pedlar Street.
Haleema’s younger sister, Sithy
Ameera also lived at #61 with her husband and children, Muhriz, Saththar,
Lizam, twins Jiffry and Hassan, Hirzi, Silmy and Badriya, until they first moved to Light House Street, and then to the
house at #1, Parawa Street.
Fathima Hanim Siyoothy
Daughter Fathima Hanim, teacher of English and French, married Abdul Wahab Marikkar Mohamed Siyoothy, a businessman from an offshoot of the family of Sheikh Hassan bin Osman Magdoomy in Dharga Town. Fathima Hanim and Al Haj Siyoothy’s Children; Muwaffaka now settled in USA, working for the State of Oklahoma, is married to Samir Elneser (American of Lebanese origin and direct descendant of the Grand Mufti of Northern Lebanon, Sheikh Wahib Ibn Ibrahim Al-Baroudi, and also nephew of Ghinwa Bhutto – widow of Pakistan’s Murtaza Bhutto and sister-in-law to former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto).
Fathima’s son, Munsif Siyoothy, is the Chief Financial Officer and Head Accountant at Prima Ceylon Ltd married to Nusrah Jaufer Sadiq from Colombo and younger son Musfir Siyoothy, is the Marketing Manager for Ebony Holdings, and married to Amraah Shamsudeen whose maternal family is also from Galle Fort
“Naajiya aunty taught at my school, Sacred Heart Convent,
along with Mummy (though Mummy had joined the school much earlier). It was the
only school offering an English Medium curriculum and both Naajiya aunty and my
Mom attended it in addition to many of the girls in the Fort during their time.
They also maintained a very high standard of discipline”
family, daughter Najiya married to, the late, Irfan Sheriff of Wellawatte, Colombo and
have two sons Abdul Maalik (Riyadh) and Abdul Muizz (Dubai)
Najiya from Ismail family belong to
the Saleem family Najhani and Saleem. Their progeny: Dr. Sithy Khaidja (Ali),
Najiya (Ismail), Ameena (), Shurafa (Iqbal) and Muhaz.
Dr. Khadija Ali, now retired, has a doctorate in Geography from the
University of Peradeniya. She worked as a senior lecturer at the Ruhunu
University after completing further research and study in her field in UK.
Jayawardene & Family – Progeny: Geethangani, Rasangani, Chithrangani,
Thyagarajah, Geetha Rajah, and another son.
#63 NN=Adam Haji House – Periya Khaija, Shinna Khaija, Zubaida,
Haleema, Ameena, Ismail, Ibrahim Master and Hanas (uncle). Shinna Khaija later
became, in the seventies and eighties, the Quran instructor for the children in
Galle Fort who fondly called her “Owziya Maamy”. It was the custom for the kids
who completed the Al-Quran, to bring a tray of sweets to share and celebrate
that milestone before they ‘graduated’ from Owziya mamy’s school.
The Mahadeva Sisters
Mohamed Khyr Abdul Cader Baba, wife Khadija
(Kaija), children Zuhriya, Mahinoora (Marzook), Shukriya (Pakistan) who was
married to Omar Dean Ismail and is now married to Sheikh Abdul Jaleel from
Quetta in Pakistan, Jasooli, Sithy Haleema (Zeyard), Rahima (Niyas UK) &
Minna (Jazly Abdul Wahid). The Khyr Baba family are descendants of Abdul Cader
Baba from Egypt & Sinnatha Haleema Sultan Bawa SLM.
Mohamed Khyr Abdul Cader Baba
& Khadija
The progeny of the Baba family are,
Mohamed Khyr Abdul Cader Baba
Hussain Sultan Baba
SAC Jiffriya
SAC Sideek Baba
Hameed Sultan Baba
The Sultan Bawa Family
Note: The Sultan Bawa family of Galle
claims its ancestry from Caliph Abu Bakr Siddeeq (Rali) of Saudi Arabia. Based
on the names of the descendants it is assumed that some of them may have
arrived in Ceylon from Yemen in the midst of moving eastwards with the message
of Islam. Mohamed Yesri bin Abdul Cader, deceased August 2006, has
taken great pains in collecting and compiling most of the details of this
tree. May Allah Be Pleased with him.
The patriarch of the family is Sheikh Ahmed
Sultan Bawa, Calipha & Nephew of Sheikh Hassan Appa. He had a son, Haji Abdullah
Sultan Bawa (no issue) by his first wife and
several children from his second spouse,
Sholommaththa (buried at Sultan Bawa Masjid Burial Grounds, aka Badry Thakkiya,
Dangedara, Talapitiya, Galle), as follows:-
Muhammad Ismail Sultan Bawa
Thaha Hajiar Sultan Bawa
Sinne Lebbe Marikar (Sinne Thambi Hajiar) Sultan Bawa
Cassim Sultan Bawa
Sekam Sacha Sultan Bawa (Alutgama)
Khadeeja Umma Sultan Bawa (Avoo Lebbe Marikar Vilcassim)
Pathumuthu Sultan Bawa
Bassist Hussain
Jiffry – A descendant of Sinne Lebbe
Marikar (Sinne Thambi Hajiar) Sultan Bawa from Galle Fort
by Faiza Thassim Daily MirrorApr. 23, 2015
"A lot of
people may not realise it but in an ensemble the bass is the lowest harmonic
instrument that has the power to change anything on top of it. The bass player
can change the chord by just changing the bass note even though he plays one
note at a time. I love the sound of the bass"
"The bass is such a fun instrument - it's the foundation.
It's harmonically and rhythmically fun cos I'm kind of like a drummer with
pitch," says Sri Lankan born bassist Hussain Jiffry (who has worked with
well-known names in the international music industry such as Whitney Houston,
Dionne Warwick,Tom Scott, David Foster, Michael McDonald, Bobby Brown, Steve
Winwood and Yanni, to name a few) describing his love affair with the bass
guitar. This most sought after musician based in Los Angeles, California was
recently on vacation in Sri Lanka with his beautiful wife Neluka. "A lot of people may not realise it but in an ensemble the
bass is the lowest harmonic instrument that has the power to change anything on
top of it. The bass player can change the chord by just changing the bass note
even though he plays one note at a time. I love the sound of the bass."
Hussain went on to say, the day he was attracted to playing bass
was when he heard the brother of Sunil - of the Gypsies - play bass at a
wedding. When he heard them play that particular night he was mesmerised
by the sound of the bass and interested to know what the bass was doing
'underneath'. What everybody usually heard was what's on the top - the melody,
he explained.
"People don't realise what the bass is doing until it stops.
When it does, they wonder.. oh, wow, what happened...we just lost something..
something very important..! I love being underneath there. I love talking care
of the foundations," Hussain says, not disguising the passion in his voice
when he talks about his bloved vocation. As the saying goes, if you love what
you do, you never have to work a day in your life, and that holds true for
Hussain Jiffry.
After graduating from the Musicians' Institute in California in
1989 and playing with random ensembles, it was word-of-mouth that brought many
worthwhile offers to this talented and dedicated bassist.
Currently Hussain, who's been a part of brass legend Herb Alpert
(of Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass fame) and wife Lani Hall's quintet for
the past six years is working on the final stage of their 3rd CD, due to be
launched in the near future.
Apart from playing on it he has also engineered it. Hussain also
plays and tours with Brazilian piano legend Sergio Mendes who interestingly got
his first break from Herb Alpert, whose A & M label released the
groundbreaking 'Herb Alpert Presents Sergio Mendes and Brasil '66" album
that went platinum.
Neluka, a musician in her own right, whom her adoring husband describes
as an inspiration and a rock, is a talented keyboardist and singer who
confesses to having relocated her piano in the bedroom, as that is the only way
she gets to play it!
Hussain and Neluka along with their own band is a much looked
forward to ensemble at Sri Lankan Association dances in California, also doing
justice to the popular 'bailas' of yesteryear.
Hussain has also been generous in sharing his vast knowledge of
music and musicianship at a voluntary workshop held for local musicians at the Galadari
Hotel recently where the topics included improvisation, ensemble-playing,
etiquette, discipline and technique.
"The hall was packed; I was pleasantly surprised that so many
people showed up," he said. "This is the first time I've been excited
about the bands and musicians in Colombo. It's been dormant for long. But now,
there's a lot of hope, with young people trying out various styles and taking
chances. This is the only place on the planet I think, where musicians have
more work than they can handle!"
In conclusion he said, "I m so happy to see the musicians
thriving in CMB and wanna wish them all the best in the coming year and hope
they keep up that upward trend of taking chances and being creative, just
enjoying and being thankful to be able to play music."
Haleema Abdul Cader &
Shukhriya Khyr Baba
Khyr Baba Family
NN=Vaalakka Udu -
Hassen, wife Khaija, children Hamoori, Foumi, Azmi, Vasbiya, & Vardiya
Salie, wife Sithy Nona, children Mohamed, Diana, & Rihana
NN=Manawar Udu
(Man-of-War) - Fathumatha, daughter Sithy Baby, son in law Kamal Saheed,
daughter Fairooza, grand children Shameena, & Rizan
daughter of Fathima Hanim Siyoothy, writes; many of the houses have nicknames.
When she was in her story telling mood, my Umamma used to tell the origins of
these nicknames. In one of them, she told us the story of how Manawaru Uudu
came to get their nickname: one of their ancestors came on a ship called “Man
o’ war’ and that name stuck. Umamma used to reminisce about those who lived
when she was young and moved out of Galle Fort. One of them was Gotham Haleema
who used to live next door to us (#59) and moved to Colombo before I was born.
Her 12 children are all over the globe now. They visit us when they come down
to Fort. Another is Sabthy Marikar. Uncle Sabthy visited us with Uncle Ifthikar
and Uncle Zawahir when Umamma was alive, around late 2010. Umamma used to say
that when Uncle Sabthy was a little boy, he was up to all kinds of tricks and
would run to ur house to escape being disciplined by his parents and Umamma
would fondly remember how she spoiled him to bits! She always had a soft spot
for him. That visit by the three of them made her so happy!

Sabthi Marikar (Sabs)
Levana Marikar & SAC Jiffriya,
son Sabthi (Sabs) in UK now, & UMMU. Sabthi is married to Khairia Saleem, daughter of Rafeek Saleem and Sithy Ayesha (Muiza) Mohideen from Colombo. They have two daughters, Shifra and Zara.
Badr, wife Zainul Arafa, children Fazal, Faaris, & NASEERA
Faleel, wife Ruwaisa, Daughter Rana, Ruwaisa’s sisters Ruzaika (Wafa), Ruwaiha,
ZAAHIRA, and brother Mohideen.
NN=Marikkoodu -
Qubraththa, Fathima, Hamza, Shihab, Jiffry, Sadaq, Shareefa & Deen
Lebbe, wife Sohora, wife’s sister, Durrath (Ibrahim), their children Zahra, Zahiya,
Nafeesa, Faseeha, Sithy Noor, Sailabdeen, Usuph, Mohamed and Zahra’s son
Zubair, Cassim, Asma Datha, daughter Nafasiya, business GIGI Garments
and husband
Nana house - BJ, wife Ameena, her mother, brothers Periya Jiffry and Shinna
Guest House
daughter Hafsa, son Raazik
NN=Lovi Udu -
Sithy, Ameena, Riza, Imtiaz, Raihana, Mohideen, Rasheed Nana, & NAJA
Marikkar Haji house
ARM Zain, wife
Zareena, children Maalik, Saadiq, Thaariq, Jalaldeen, Makki, Azeem, Kareema & Siyana
Rahman, wife Haleema, children Nowfel, Fazniya, Rozana, & AROOSA
wife Ghaneema, children Mifra, Vaheeda, & MAZAHIMA
grandmother Thaji Rahmaatha, Zafar, Zanoon, & Rameez
Thangam Datha,
Daughter (1) Noor Najma, Magdon Ismail, NASEERA,
Daughter (2) Noorul Husna, Harees Master, and their children Lujina (Sanadiya),
Lukman, LUTHFIYA, Daughter (3) Hind and her daughter Sithy, Thangam Datha’s
nieces Noorul Huda (Marikkar) and Fathuma (Muhsin), Noorul Huda’s children
Nadha, Ansar, Mikdam, Fathuma’s children Abdul Cader and Ahmed Jiffry.
Marikkar, Quraisha, Ilham, Mumtaz, Masheesh, & Kudsi
Hameeza, children Mahrooza, Ismail, Shabeer, Shafeek, Muneer, Ameer, Fowzan, JASEEMA, Zeenath, Jiffriya, Hamzath, Dr Salie,
Lareefa, daughter Zinha, SAINAMBU DATHA,
Lava, daughter Haleema, Azeez, children AbdulRahman, Shimala, Khaija, Lizama,
Mohamed, Ahamed, & Muhsin
NN=Bacha - Nazeer,
Khaleeda, Lezmi, Rizan, Ismath, Faasy, & grandmother Aisha
Rauf Nana’s house – B Jiffry, wife Ameena, Ameena’s mum, Shinna Jiffry, Periya
Mohamed Ismail (retired SC Judge) wife Zuhariya Khyr Baba &
family, daughter Shama (Attorney at Law) who is married to Fazal Mohamed,
children Taahera & Dayyan, second daughter Imara married to Ahamed Abdul
Cader, children Mikhail, Ibrahim Daniyaal, & Buraak
& Ayesha Naina-Marikar from Wellawatte, in Colombo. Children are Shameema
(Sahal Alavi), Shameem (Amina Noordeen from the WM Saleem family), Sakeena
(Ramzi) & Sabeeha.
Durriya Zamzam, formerly lived down Lighthouse Street
Vaskiya Alavi
Badurdeen, story teller of Galle Fort
Hafsa Ibrahim
Zameela Shamsdeen
Shirani Nizar (Kuhafa’s)
Siyana Fouz Kaleel
Sanadiya (Harees) Anver
Salie (Australia), brother of Shirani Nizar
(Dehiwela), Fahmi, Azmi
Mahinoora Marzook
Rahman (Fazniya’s brother)
Shanthini Mahadeva
Hanim Siyoothy states,
“The people who lived in Galle
Fort in the 50s and 60s lived in extended family communities with as many as 15
to 20 living in one house in complete peace, tranquility and harmony. The men,
when they did marry, went on to live in their spouses homes, as is the
tradition amongs the Moors of Ceylon from ancient times. Even today, many of these
extended families still live under one roof. ”
She identifies,
"Mariam Datha’s house had her son, the late Cassim, his wife
Careema, their 3 daughters, Munsifa, Fihama, Mufriha and two sons, before each
child married and left except the youngest son Miqdam.
Najhani Datha’s house had Najiya, her
older sister Dr Khadija Ali and her husband Ali."
"The house was full when my sister Arthika, my cousin Nuwaira (who was raised by my Mother, her
aunt, as her own daughter) and myself, were all newly married, before they
both left to settle down in their respective houses, one in Weligama and the
other at Pedlar Street in Galle Fort."
Adham Hajiar’s
house had Periya Kaija’s family, Haleema’s family and Zubaida’s family.
Ms Hafsa Shums
lives with her two daughters, Naira and Naveera, together with their families.
Hanim states that some of the people living down Leyn Baan Street since 1960s
Adham Hajiar’s daughter Zubaida, her husband Kalam, her son Ilyas
and Shinna Khaija’s daughter.
Shanthi and Jayanthi Mahadeva
Ms Vasbiya Alavi, daughter Zaima and her children
Fazal Badurdeen and his family
Naufal Abdul Rahman, his family and his sister Rozana
Ms Hafsa Shums, her daugters Naira, Naveera and their families.
Mrs Ghaneema Ahmed and daughter Vaheeda
Hamza and wife Mahrooza
Pushpa Wanigasekera
Baan Cross Street
NN=Sinamama Udu/Hotel
Udu, MC Abdul Rahims house
Abdul Rahims – 136 years of trading Sun, Oct 26,
A family company standing up to
the challenges of time
by Duruthu Edirimuni
ILM Mohammed
Cassim may not have dreamt his small trading business which he established in
1872 in Galle Fort would see its fifth generation – but it did. Mr. Cassim, who had four sons decided to name his business
after his oldest son, M.C. Abdul
Rahim and also include ‘brothers’ in it,
at the time. As such he called it MC Abdul Rahims
and Brothers.
A native of Galle, Mr. Cassim's decision to start the business
there was with a lot of insight. At the time Galle Fort,
with the Galle Port on one side was a bustling city of trade in the 1800s
with a lot of British influence (as Ceylon was a colony of the British
Speaking of the inception of their
business, the grandnephew of Mr.
Cassim, Ruzly Hussein, now Chairman Abdul Rahims,
reminisced what he had heard from S.M. Hussein (a son of one of Mr. Cassim's
sons) saying that by the 1870s,
there was a need for a retail and trading outlet of household items.
"The trade was buzzing at the time in Galle Fort. What Mr. Cassim did
was seize that opportunity." He said during the latter part of the 1800s, M.C. Abdul Rahim and his three brothers took
over their father's business.
represented brands like Prestige, Wedgewood and Johnson Brothers. Also at the time
the company had evolved to wholesale and retail,"
he said.
"Many products that were traded
at the time were British. Cutlery at the storeIn the early part of the 20th century
such as the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s, the company
Mr. Rahim did not have any children.
"But he was very much involved in the business till he passed away in
1930," Bary M. Jaleel, Managing Director of the company, who is Mr. Hussein's nephew, said joining in the discussion.
"The third generation who were
the sons of Mr. Rahim's brothers who had joined the business during the first
half of 20th century took over the business after Mr. Rahim. “There were
seven brothers and cousins who joined – S.M. Hussein,
my father, Cassim Jaleel, Zain Jaleel,
Razik Cader, Nizam Cader, Dr. Zain Cader and S.M. Mashoor," Mr. Hussein said.
By this time,
Abdul Rahims had expanded into the main street in Galle Town. "By the
1930s we branched out to Kandy and then to Nuwara Eliya – probably in the
1940s. Then we went to Wellawatte in 1958. This year we are celebrating 50
years in Wellawatte," Mr.
Hussein said. "We expanded to Pettah as well - this may have been in the
1930s," he added.
So how has Abdul Rahims survived for
the last 136 years and onto the fifth generation? "I believe it is all
to do with integrity and ethical dealings,
through which we built confidence among our customers,"
Mr. Hussein said.
He recalled an incident which took
place four years ago during the Sinhala-Hindu New Year at Abdul Rahims' Galle
Branch. "A customer wanted six lemonade glass sets,
but they were not available at the time. The man insisted saying, 'We always buy from Abdul Rahims the first
purchase for the New Year (Ganu Denu) and it has been a custom.' So I called
Bary (Jaleel) in Colombo and got him to get the lemonade sets across to
Galle. I asked the man to visit the store in the evening and pick them up.
Around five o'clock in the evening he came,
picked his ware and was elated,"
he said. Mr. Jaleel noted that it is a southern custom in Galle to conduct
Ganu Denu at Abdul Rahims.
Mr. Hussein also asserted that in the
1930s, Abdul Rahims was dealing
with international suppliers. "Petromax Lanterns from Germany and
Aladdin Lamps from England were the most popular. This international exposure
in business may have taught them how to conduct business with professionalism
early on." Mr. Hussein said that during the Second World War, Abdul Rahims opened a furniture manufacturing
and selling outlet in Trincomalee to cater to the British Naval base. Ruzly Hussein & Bary M. Jaleel
"After the war we closed it,"
Mr. Hussein said. He added that the fourth generation,
his generation, took over a decade
after the Second World War. "I joined in 1964 at the age of 17." By
then import licenses had been introduced. Exchange control was in place.
"Social ism had taken root,
which at the time was very fashionable,"
Mr. Hussein recalled.Worst
However he said the worst times were
from 1970-'77. "This was a more invasive kind of closed economic society
that took root with three economic-related cabinet portfolios in charge of
leftists – Ministry of Finance (Dr. N.M. Perera),
Ministry of Constitutional Affairs (Dr. Colvin R De Silva) and Ministry of
Housing (Peter Keuneman) together with draconian laws which were economically
counterproductive," he said noting one such policy was the ceiling of
Rs. 2,500 on income.
"One needed an exit permit to
leave the country and there was the Criminal Justice Commission (CJC) which
allowed for people to be taken to custody without being hauled before court.
These types of economically deterrent laws were in place which inhibited the
country," Mr. Hussein said.
He said it was the 'worst' era for businesses but Abdul Rahims survived with
a lot of difficulty. During 1964,
Abdul Rahims branched into industries. Diamond Ceiling fans, Diamond Kerosene cookers,
Diamond enamel ware and Diamond glassware were some. Abdul Rahims did this
with Hong Kong-Chinese collaboration "We had these industries till
1994-1995, but we realized that
manufacturing consumer items with a limited market was not economical due to
Indian and Chinese product influxes and we exited this segment in 1995,” he added.
He said that Abdul Rahims started two
corrugated carton plants which they sold to Munchee (due to the same reason)
in 1995. "After this we just concentrated on retail wholesale and
institutional sales. We aggressively did tableware and kitchenware catering
to the hotel and the food industry during the last 10 years, "Mr. Jaleel said. Abdul Rahims changed into
a limited liability company in 1995. "This was easier to function than a
partnership than before and also easier to trade in the stock market,” Mr. Hussein said.
What now?
"We want to do something
completely outside trading. We are looking at options in the food industry
such as restaurants,” he said. He
added the company is also looking at the Maldives for some ventures. He said
the company was trying to start housing projects during the last two years, but has put it on hold for the moment due to the
current economic downturn. "We also want to enhance our brand network.
We have aligned with Singer Mega outlets for cross trading, "he said,
adding the company is planning to bring in professionals to the company in a
bid to be professionally managed
Stock options
"We would like at some point in
time to list on the Colombo Stock Exchange,
but a lot of other things need to come into place. That is why we are on the
process of professionalizing the company to keep in line with this idea,” he noted.
Proctor & Mrs Ahamed, children
Aisha, Khadija (Fowzy Marikar), Fowzia (Cader), Ilyas (Minna Aziz), Ismeth
(Faisha), Izzath (Rizvi Marikar-Bawa), Hilmy (Fazliya Wahab), Fathima (Jadeed
Hameed). Fueza (Mohideen), & Anver (Shaama). Izzath went on to become the
Sri Lankan Ambassador in Riyadh. His sons are Faizal (Ferial) and Aslam
(Shazida Azahim Mohamed). Izzath’s grandkids are
Nadeem, Nadia, Mariam, & Omar
Saudatha –
Sugatha & family. Sugatha sold
seashells and his wife was a worker at the Mahamodera Hospital in Kaluwella.
Galle Fort Mosque is located on the south eastern corner of the Fort.
Galle Fort Meeran Mosque
Hasan Ibnu Usman Makdoomy Rahimahullah is known
to be the first Moorish Saint of Sri Lanka, about whom chronological data is
available. Sheikh Hasan is one of eminent wali of Srilanka. Sheikh Hasan
popularly known as Alim Sahib Appa among his disciples (mureeds) in Sri Lanka.
Hasan was born in Sholai, Thalapitiya, Galle in 1785 AD (Hijri 1200)
father is Usman Makdoomy Ibn Fareed of Aluthgama and his mother is Fathima
Siddeeka, the daughter of Katheeb Sheikh Mohamed of Galle.
Hasan is a direct descendant of Sayyidina AbuBakr Raaliyallahu Anhu. Sheikh
Hasan’s mother died on the ninth day after his birth and he then came under his
aunt cares.
Hasan had his early education in Quran reading and the fundementals of religion
in a Madrasa. Later he studied under Shaykuna Lebbai Alim (d.1240
AD/1824AD) of Kayalpattinam, India. He studied Tafsir,
Hadees, Fiqh and other fundementals of religon under Shaykuna Lebbai Alim (also
called Shaykuna Pulavar).
Hasan was the first Katheeb of Galle Fort Mosque and he was involved in trading
and business as a profession.
Hasan lived for 42 years in his birth place at Galle. He spent his later life
in Hambantota, Trincomalee, Kandy, Ganetanne, Maggona and finally in Aluthgama.
He was a great scholar in Theology having studied extensively at the Al Azhar
University in Cairo
Other residents
Sugath, Nimal, whose father ran a guest
house, the first one on Hospital Street, and charged Rs 1/- per day for
tourists stay.
Mohamed Shums Cassim, son of Rohani Cassim, who lived adjacent
to the Meeran Mosque, practiced law in Kurunegala for over 25 years. He was the
first Muslim lawyer in the city. In recognition of his all-round services, the
honour of MBE (Member of the Order of the British Empire) was conferred on him
in 1949, and in 1953 the Government showed its appreciation of his work by
electing him a Senator. He died on 20 May 1954, the Day of the
Battle of Badr in Islamic History.
Cassim, known in later years as Rohani
Cassim is the progenitor of the family. He rebuilt the original
house given by the Dutch commandant, named it ‘Jasmine Cottage’, and lived
there with his large brood. The house is still owned by a branch of
the family. The house stands at the southern end of the Fort at the
junction of Church Street and Rampart Street. It is the two storied
house seen on the left of the picture below by the mosque. The land for the
mosque was donated by Rohani Cassim.
Cassim was the first Muslim lawyer in the city. In recognition of his all-round
services, the honour of MBE (Member of the Order of the British Empire) was
conferred on him in 1949, and in 1953 the Government showed its appreciation of
his work by electing him a Senator. He died on 20 May 1954, the Day
of the Battle of Badr in Islamic History.
obituary was written by Dr. A.M.A. Azeez, then principal of Zahira College, Colombo,
in the school magazine “AZ-ZAHIRA”, 1954.
Shums Cassim
Cassim amily descends from Rohani Cassim & Fathuma Makdoom, whose children
Cassim (Asma Magdon-Ismail)
(Fakhir Mohideen)
Cassim (Abdul Cader Ahamed Ismail aka Red Doray)
Cassim (Abdul Cader)
Cassim (Master) (Haleema
Cassim (ALM Vilcassim)
Cassim (Sadath Ismail)
Cassim (Sithy Vilcassim)
(MP Mohideen)
sons whose names are not known
Kamer Cassim, Proctor
High Commissioner Designate to Pakistan is one of Rohani Cassim’s sons. He was
a lawyer who had his practice in the Hultsdorf suburb of Colombo at the time of
his death on April 07, 1947. He was newly-independent Ceylon’s first High
Commissioner (designate) to Pakistan when he passed away, and Prime Minister
Don Stephen (commonly referred to as D.S.) Senanayake appointed Dr. Tuan
Burhanuddin (commonly referred to as T.B.) Jayah to replace him.
Jehan Kamer Cassim
Kamer Cassim
Cassim died on July 15, 2015 leaving behind his beloved wife, Ayesha, two sons
Kaleel (Dr), Farman (PC), two daughters Mona and Rifa along with 9
grandchildren. He was a lawyer, Chairman of the Common Amenities Board and then
the Chairman of the Bank of Ceylon. He will be sadly missed by all his family,
friends and the entire community.
Thaha Sheriff Cassim
Thaha Sheriff
Cassim’s celebrated with family, community, and his alumni club when he turned
100 years young on Nov 22, 2019. Six weeks later, he passed away
peacefully on Jan 06, 2020. He is sadly missed by his family and
entire community.
by Nizar Cassim, son of Shums Cassim, and cousin of Jehan Cassim
Firewood shop
Police horses
were stabled at the point where the Hospital Street sign now stands. The children
of the Fort used to enjoy visiting the stables to see the horses.
Fathima Hanim states, about the people who are living down this street
since the 60s,
Nimal and his wife who ran the first guest house in the Fort levying a fee of
Rs 1/- per day”
“Mr Sugatha, his son and daughter in law”
Ahamed’s House: Proctor Cassim and wife Fareeda, children Anas, Hanbal, Ibrahim
and Zeena.
& AHM Ibrahim’s
envelope factory
Nana’s house (hired a buggy cart). Wife Haseena and children Alavi, Nizam,
Shamsdeen, Fawqiya, Sithy Noor & Fathuma Saidiya.
used to be two laundry businesses on this street. One was run by the Perera
family aka “Daahathara Paula” (14 member family).
street also had a cycle repair shop, motorbike workshop, and a cobblers repair
“Read & Return” bookshop
& Rahima family, children Rizan, Rinas, Rinzi, Rizni & BASHEERA
Nona, Sithy Datha (Aishamatha’s house), Najmiya, Nisriya, Nismiya, Nishthaar
Udu - Khaija Datha, children Sithy Fathuma, Naleefa, Faahira, Firdowsiya,
Sharafiya, & Saheedullah
& Chechi, children Susaan, Fathahiya, & Ferial
Barber Saloon
(Perera #14 Paula Gedara)
Lebbe Marikar Vilcassim & Khadeeja Umma Sultan Bawa, children, AM
Vilcassim, SAC Vilcassim, MAC Vilcassim, Haleema Umma (AH Ismail), Ayesha Umma
(Ismail Ahamed), Pathumuthu aka Moochachee (Jiffry).
MOHAMED ABDUL CADER VILCASSIM (center) with his four oldest children;
standing: JIFFRY (left), son – name unknown who died very young (right),
seated: ZAIN (left), SITHY (right)
Mohamed Abdul Cader
Vilcassim’s sons, Zain
(left) and Jiffry (right)
Cader Vilcassim &
wife Zareena, with their grandson, Nasurdeen
Sithy Sums Cassim, daughter of Mohamed Abdul Cader Vilcassim with her
grandson, Omar
Hassan Bary Vilcassim, Hafeel Vilcassim, Athas Vilcassim, Silica (Zulaiha aka
Baby Datha) Vilcassim (Mohamed Hajiar Mohamed Junaid [late senior partner of S U Mohamed Hadjiar] ), Feisal Junaid, Batcha Vilcassim, Shaukath Vilcassim, Thalib
Vilcassim, Kaleel Vilcassim, Jiffrey Cader Vilcassim, Sithy (Shums Cassim),
Zain Vilcassim, Jiffriya (Abdul Rahman – Thipli), Haleema (AON Hussain,
Proctor), Khadija (Shaukath Vilcassim), Halima Umma (aka
Male`Umma) Vilcassim (Ismail A H), Khatheja Umma
Ismail (Abdul Careem
Aboobucker), Samsudeen Dean Ismail, Cassim Ismail, Ahmed
Jamaldeen Ismail, Fathuma Ismail, Ayesha Umma (aka Ayeshamchachi) Vilcassim
(Ismail Ahamed),
Ahamed Mohamed Ismail, Proctor, Galle (Thalha Nona - Kakchachi), MIM Saheed, Faleela Ismail
(Proctor AM Faloon Markar), Kadija Ismail (Abdul Cader -Armashi Mama-
Ismail ), Hasseena, Haleema, Cassim, Nafeesa Ismail, Pathumoothu Vilcassim
–Moochiachchi- ( Jiffrey), Hussain Jiffry, Jiffry (Cobra), Jiffriya, Fathuma, Jawad,
Zain Jiffry

Feisal Junaid with Aaliya & Azra
Haleema Umma Vilcassim, grandmother of Fatima Ahamed (Banerjee)
Mother of Khatheja, Samsudin, Cassim, Abdul Cader, Jamaldeen and Fathuma
Ismail Family (pix sent by Fathima Bannerjee
Standing: ?, Zahir Vilcassim, ?, Fathuma Ismail (Udakotuwa, Fort,
Galle), Shireen Bary, Ameen Alavi, ?, Hilmiya Junaid,
Khadija Ismail, Fareeza (Tassy) youngest d/o Thaha Cassim & w/o Nizam
Cader, Sileeja Junaid, Kamal Saheed,
Nizam Cader (Abdul Rahims), Laafat Hassan
Seated: ?, Sithy Cassim, ? ,Thaha Cassim, Jamaldeen
Ahamed, Feefree Careem, Aisha Ismail, ?
Hassan Bary & family, children Flyla, Zain, Khaija, Ferial, & Nasser
NN=Bouse Udu.
Sithy Datha & children Naazly, Fazly, & JAZEEMA
Magdon-Ismail family are descended from Makdoom (from Alutgama) & Khadija. They
lived in a house called “Furqan Lodge”
Makdhoom a descendant of Arab traders who
had settled down in Alutgama was an interpreter employed by the
British. Since it was necessary that he lived in close proximity to
the seat of the then British Government in Galle, he was accommodated in the
barracks within the Fort.
Being a Muslim he had refused to partake
in the meals prepared in the barracks and therefore arrangements were made for
him to obtain his meals from Raheema Umma’s descendants who had continued to
occupy the house provided for them by the Dutch Commandant. He had
returned the favour by marrying Kadija, a great granddaughter of the
widow. Cassim a Moor from Weligama, another little Moorish
settlement not far from Galle, was a frequent visitor to the Galle port on account
of his business a ship chandler. He had struck up a friendship with
the much older Makhdoom and ended up marrying one of his daughters, Fathuma.
first known generation comprise, Ahamed (Kami Cader), Hameed, Mohamed (NN=Cheeni Chacha),
Sheikh (Segu), Hameem, the father of Furkhan Magdon-Ismail whose name is not
known, Saeeda, Masooda, Haleema, the wife of Ishak whose name is not
known, & Mohideen Umma,
next generation are,
Cader Magdon-Ismail (Fathima Sameeha)
(Sheriff Cassim)
Magdon-Ismail (Sithy Safaya Cassim), their son uraiz Magdon-Ismail (Rashada
Abdul Rahman)
Magdon-Ismail (Fathuma Vilcassim/Fauziya – Shinni- Vilcassim)
Magdon-Ismail (Noor Najima)
Ahamed Magdon Ismail
Cader (Kakabo) Segu Magdon-Ismail
Cader (Hassan Barry Vilcassim)
Not Known (AM Faloon Marikkar)
(Zain Magdon-Ismail)
Kamal Magdon-Ismail
& family, children Anusha, Vasundra & Sivam
& Hasana family, children Maalika & Manhal
family, Shafeek & Kajja
family, children Hussain, Shamsdeen, Hamza, Farees, Kamariya, Abdul, & ZAKARIYA
family and children Nabeela, Niloufer, Naila, Navaz, & Noufel
Fazeera Markar, is the daughter of
Proctor Ahamed Magdon (Faloon) Markar & Faleela (Fali) Ismail
d/o Ayesha Umma Vilcassim aka Ayshamchachi & A M Ismail/Faloon aka AM Markar who had his Law practise in Colombo
Ms Fazeera is married to Shakeer Ismail,
lawyer, and is
domiciled in Washington DC, USA now.
She is the author of “Enjoy” a book
about Galle cuisine.
Her son Qadri Ismail who wrote the
forward for the book is a Professor of English Literature at the University of
Minnesota in USA.
Saniya Noordeen and Zohra Vilcassim have
also written recipe books on Galle cuisine
Sali & wife Haleema. Daughter Zeena
Mashoor & family, children Razaana & Shuwaiba
& Rahima, children Rizan, Rinaz, Rinzi, Rizni & BASHEERA
Shakira Khalid
Sharafiya Shahul Hameed
Vilcassim, Fazniya
(14 pawla gedara)
Shameela & Fathuma Gullan Cader’s house, sisters)
whose parents and sister lived down this street and ran a shop that had
anything and everything in it.
NN=Gullan Udu Mr
& Mrs Cader. Mr Cader is the brother of Shums (Shums & Co). Children,
Shameela, Fathuma, Miskiya and a son, Yesri, who passed away early in life.
Nuwaira Hussain married Hamza Marikar from Pedlar Street and
they moved to No. 52 Pedlar Street, which used to be called “Go Go Café” at one
time, then “Thushara Café” another time, before she and her husband turned it
into their residence.
Fathima Hanim states that some of the people living down Pedlar street since
the 60s are,
Reuben, Ms Sharafiya and husband Shahul Hameedand their son Hifli (Saapu Udu)”
Perera family, Rajah and wife, one of the 14 (daahathara paula gedara) children”
Vilcassim and wife Fazniya (sister of Naufal Abdul Rahman), their daughter
Razka, son in law, and two grandkids, Sheza & Sheda”
late ‘Gullen’ Cader’s house, daughter Shameela, son in lawAfeefdeen,grandchild
Suroori, and great grandkids plus another daughter, Fathima”
and wife (baby), their daughter, son in law and two grandkids”

Church was designed by J.G. Smithers, the government architect, who later designed
the National Museum of Colombo. The Church was constructed on the site of
a former Court House (1780s). The gallows it is said stood on the site of the
present altar. The Anglican congregation in Galle which, up to then, worshipped
in the Dutch Church. The church was consecrated on 21 February 1871 by
Bishop Claughton, assisted by the church's first vicar, Rev. Dr. George Justus
Schrader (1829-1875).
recognition of Rev. Dr. Schrader's significant contribution to the Church, a
large bell was placed in his memory in the centre dome of the Church in 1876.
In the mid 1960s, for security reasons the bell was lowered and was left to be
sold. It was subsequently bought by the diocese and is now housed in
the Cathedral of Christ the Living Saviour in Colombo. The
current bell was acquired by the Church in 1968. The bell came from
the Liberty Ship, "Ocean Verity", and was donated by the Clan
Line Steamship Company
Uzman Anver writes,
“The All Siants Church was established in
1871. Previously, the court house had its premises at this location. The
gallows were situated where the present altar now stands.” - extract from the
placard installed at the All Saints Church The Anglican Church or the All
Saints Church was built by the British as a response to the Dutch Reformed
Church. The All Saints Church too stands as a prominent landscape in the Fort,
like the Dutch Reformed Church, as a magnificent architectural master piece of
its own. The Architect was James G. Smither and designed by Richard Carpenter.”
“It is believed that originally, the
Dutch Courts of 1780’s (Norah Roberts) and the Dutch Gallows was situated where
the current Pulpit stand in the Anglican Church. After the British ceded the
island in 1796. Many of the Dutch Burghers moved to the Anglican Church from
the Dutch Reformed Church. One main reason would have
been the gradual change in the language
from Dutch to English within the community. It was at that time that the ruling
class had to adopt themselves to the English language. Norah Roberts in her
book “Galle as Quiet as Asleep” states the history of many Dutch Burgher
marriages at the All Saints Church.
The Anglican Church, similar to the
Dutch Reformed Church, do not have any key members from within the Galle Fort,
although there is a communion from outside the Fort who attend the Sunday
Services. Errol Bultjens, a Dutch Burgher from Galle,was famously known as
as he resembled The Prince of Wales. His
mother was the last Dutch Burgher from Galle to live in the Fort.
There used to be weather rooster located
right on top of the church triangular roof. It used to turn to indicate the
direction of the wind. Some years back during a thunder storm the heavy winds
blew out the weather cock, since then the All Saints Church stands like a
medieval man with a hat but his elegant feather missing in it. I hope one day
they restore it once again, symbolising the “Gallus” of Galle.”
The Queen’s House - Governor’s Residence
“The Dutch conquest Colombo took place
in 1656. Galle was conquested in 1640. For 16 years, the ruling seat of the
Dutch East India Company of the island was from Galle. The Dutch Fortification
process began in 1642 and was completed in 1668. It is possible that the Dutch
may have occupied the then remaining Portuguese buildings before they were
demolished and had them restructured. The Dutch Commanders residence also known
as the Governor’s Residence, Queens House and Walker’s. It was the official
residence of the Galle Dutch Commander dates to 1683.”
The Commercial Bank
“George Henry Bogaars, a well known
Dutch family owned the premises and ran the Old Mansion Hotel. Later it was
sold to the Mercantile Bank of Ceylon. Commercial Bank PLC of Ceylon acquired
the Mercantile Bank Branches in 1973. The bank was undergoing a restoration and
refurbishment phase as a mark of celebrating its 100 years during the period, ,1920
- 2020 “
Clan House
“The Clan House is where John Black, who
was the first American Consul in Sri Lanka ran the oldest shipping agency in
1847 (Norah Roberts). Black, was a business magnate who ran the oldest British
shipping firm. Later, “In 1868, two Scottish merchants, Thomas Clark and
Patrick Gordon Spence ventured a partnership and commission under the name of
“Clark & Spence”. Edward and SR Aitken joins the partnership in 1873,
Colombo and the name of the partnership change to Aitken Spence. In 1876, Lloyds of London appointed Aitken Spence
& Co. as their agents for Ceylon - a position which the Company holds to
this date
"Even today the blackboard with the
Ship arrival times are visible.”
No.27, Church Street - The Heritage
Hotel Galle Fort
“A cherished store which was very dear
to many citizens who lived in Galle remeber this premises as the “Kotuwa
Kadey”. A humble origin of business, which began by the side of the YWCA and
the business picked up quickly. They purchased the bare garage premises of
Hayley’s, thereafter and moved out of the Fort to Wakwella Road as “Manjari”.
Now it has been converted to a luxury
boutique hotel. Everything you wanted could be found here, the only exception
would have been groceries. Some called it the “Pettah under one Roof”. The
owner had two daughters. Eldest inherited the sister branch Lady J in Borella
and the younger inherited Manjari, which in fact her very own name. A twin
branch of Manjari has been opened in Nugegoda, in greater Colombo.”
“The old maps of Galle Fort depicts that
their used to be an old Potuguese Church and a graveyard. Thereafter it was
used as the Hayley’s Garage & Storehouse. During the refurbishment and
construction of the current Hotel in 2012, a whole human skeletal was found and
unearthed. Today the area where the skeletal remains were found, remains
untouched with a plot of grass, on Church Street and Leyn Bann Cross Street corner
of the premises.”
No. 26, Church Street - The Fort Bazar
“This is the former ‘Hill View’ Bungalow
of AH Ismail, alias Nondi Hajiar, & Halima Umma Vilcassim (Short
Biographical Sketches of Macan-Markar and Related Families by A. H. Macan-Markar
1977). They were known as ‘Malay Umma’s Family Residence’. A wealthy Moor
family who initiated and executed in building the current building of the Galle
Fort Meeran Mosque in 1909. AH Ismail’s son, Cassim Ismail, Barrister at Law,
was the first Ceylonese Muslim to enter Cambridge University, England. Mrs.
Riyasa Nassim, grandmother of Uzman Anver, recalls of being a flower girl for
one of the weddings at ‘Hill View’. Durdans Hanim – levied a nominal amount of
1 cent from every house in Galle Fort to
build the mosque house so that it provided a community ownership feel. – Mehran.
Later the house was bought by Dr Salgado, and, thereafter ‘Teardrop Hotels’
purchases and restored the run down building to what it stands today, housing
the ‘Fort Bazar’, a boutique hotel”
No. 28, Church Street - Galle Fort Hotel
“The former family residence of SamsuDeen
Macan-Markar, the second son of OLM Macan-Markar, who was married to AH
Ismail’s younger daughter Fathima (1917).
He purchased the premises next to ‘Hill
View’ in 1920 and named it as ‘Baith’. SamsuDeen Macan-Markar, being a hefty
gentleman, needed two rickshaw pullers to draw the cart when it was pulled to
his residence through Upper Church Street.
The Archway in the Hall, a Palladian Colonnade
was erected by SD Macan-Markar, for his eldest daughter Sithy Katheeja’s
wedding to Ahmed Hussain Macan-Markar in 1937 (as stated by Zahariya Sherif
daughter of Alavi Raj, the eldest son of SD). The house was completely
redecorated and the bridal chamber and the suite rooms were artistically
painted by a foreign artiste, Sofronoff, and a suite of furniture, sitting and
dining rooms were fashioned by Count de Mauny. A grand celebration comprising 1,500
guests were invited to dinner (Short Biographical Sketches of Macan-Markar and
Related Families by AH Macan-Markar- 1977). The wedding was reported in ‘the
Ceylon Daily News’, Wednesday August 11, 1937 as ‘A wedding in Galle:
Unforgettable Experience in the Land where dreams come true’. Few years
earlier, in 1931, Fathima, died giving birth to a daughter, Halima. Halima, a
jovial lady but growing up never celebrated her birthday for this very reason
nor had much liking to this house of hers.
Later the family moved to Colombo after
Samsudeen’s death in 1938. However, the family used to frequently visit Galle
Fort. In 2003, the premises was purchased and converted to a luxury boutique
villa as ‘The Galle Fort Hotel’ “
Chambers Restaurant
“AM Saheed, a senior veteran proctor in
Galle established his Chamber at this premises. The longest practice in Galle,
62 years on record. He was born in 1889, educated at Mahinda College, fluent in
Englsih, Sinhala, Tamil, French and Latin. After passing out from Law College,
he was enrolled as a Proctor and Notary in 1914. A lucrative practise in Galle
was built up with pure hard work, integrity, and devotion towards the client.
He was always present when his cases were heard. Even two weeks before his
death in 1974 he was seen in courts (Norah Roberts).
AMM Thahir, his nephew joined the
practice in 1924, as a partner. It is said that, there were no civil case at
the Galle Courts taken up without the Uncle-Nephew duo not being involved
(Norah Roberts). ‘Saheed Proctor’, as known by the community, fair tall thin
gentleman with a walking stick carried in his hand. One day when his peon was
instructed to carry the heavy load of books to Courts, and was finding it
difficult to carry them, a witty comment would come as, if you are finding it
difficult to carry with your hands, how hard would it me to carry all the load
that\ is in it, inside my head… His son, IA Saheed, also a Proctor, continued
the practice thereafter. Like the father, he too was a successful lawyer and
continued his practice for more than 50 years until his death in 2011. Today,
the Galle Bar has honoured both Senior and Junior Saheed’s with deep respect
and remembrance at the Galle Law Library with their portraits hanging on then
After a 90 years of being a Law Chamber,
Nawal Saheed been an Accountant, transformed his fathers and grandfathers
chambers into a Arabic style Moroccan Cuisine Restaurant and named it
‘Chambers’. “
Poo-Kaak-ka Thakkiya
“A mini sufi Lodge maintained and run by
‘Abdul Rahim and Bros.’ dedicated to the Qadiri Sufi Order. Abdul Rahim and
Bros, is a porcelain shop began by Poo-Kaak-ka, who didn’t have any children.
It functioned as a ‘pallikodam’ (school), where Quran was taught to kids in the
evenings. Sadly, due to the dwindling numbers of residents it does not function
anymore. However the age old practices of the Prophets’ grandsons been
commemorated during the first Islamic month of ‘Muharram’ and the during the
fourth Islamic month of ‘Rabiyul Akhir’,and the great Sufi Saint ‘Abdul Qadir Jeylani’ are
commemorated here. Rice parcels would be distributed by the patron family -
Abdul Rahim and Bros. to all the Moor residence of Galle Fort”.
Ibrahim Jewellers
“The shop and business of ‘Ibrahim
Jewellers’ established in 1909. The jewellery Shop began at Colombo Fort, York
Street. When the shop burnt in 1978 and the business was moved to the front
room and verandah of No. 47, Church Street”.
“It used to be the home to one of the
oldest moor families of Galle Fort. They were; Cassim the White, who had a son
called Aboobakr Mudaliyar, married to Pathumuththu Dharth Umma who had 9
children and each one of them was given in marriage to a prominent family of
its own. Sir Mohamed Macan-Markar the first Muslim knight in Sri Lanka was born
in this house. It is the residence of the Mother of all the Macan Makars,
Ameena Umma, the second daughter of Aboobakr Mudaliyar.
Today the residence is owned by Aboobakr
Son, Avoo Lebbe Marikkar’s daughter
Haleema Aboobakr’s son Muzammil Ibraheem’s family.
It was Haleema’s husband Haneef Ibrahim who
began the gem jewellery business.”
BIA College
“Al Bahjathul Ibraheemiya Arabic College
(BIA), is one of the oldest Arabic College’s in the island, A religious
authority in Sri Lanka. It was established in 1892 by OLM Macan-Markar, a
business tycoon and philanthropist from Galle Fort, fulfilling the wishes of
his beloved wife, Ameena Umma. The BIA College is a traditional Madrasa School
of the Sunni School of thought for boys.
During the bygone past, whoever wished
to pursue religious studies and become a ‘Mawlawi’, an islamic scholar, had to
travel to India, bearing all cost of travelling and lodging. Ameena Umma, a visionary lady, pursued to
fulfil this lacuna of time by establishing a religious learning seat in then
Ceylon. Thus how was the BIA College was founded. The institute is patronage
under the ‘Shadhili’ Sufi Order. ‘Bahjathul Ibraheemiya’ literary mean’s the
‘House of Ibraheem’, named after the forefather Sufi Mystical Sheikh of the
‘Shadhili’ Sufi Order, Sheikh Muhammed bin Ibraheem al Fasi, who used to visit
Ceylon at that point of time from Mecca.
The Men’s ‘Zaviya’, the ‘Shadhili’ Sufi
Lodge down Small Cross Street is where the BIA College began. The present
premises at No.41 and No.42 were purchased from the Gudaku Mohamed Family by
the Macan-Markar’s in 1927.
The College then shifted to the new
premises in 1928. Since then it has been functioning and has produced very
eminent religious scholars in the island. Students, in completion of their 7
years of studies and apprenticeship,
are graduated as a ‘Mawlawi/Alim’, which
literarily means ‘the knower’ or Scholar of Islam, and bestowed the honorary
title of ‘Bahji’, named after the school which nurtured them.”
Geylani Manzil - Stair Way
“The residence where OLM Macan-Markar
and family resided before they moved to ‘Sea View’. It was called the ‘Shinna
Udu’. There is a story which is believed that, one day a poor man who barely was
able to walk visited the residence, and he was given some food to ease his
hunger, and then he had supplicated to bless all success in life. No sooner
after this incident the business prospered.
The cement floor of the house is embedded
in a mosaic pattern of colourful ceramic chips. According to Nafeesa Mubarak,
Murci Aunty had told her that: The Macan-Markar’s from Egypt got down some
porcelain for one of their ceremonies. One box was damaged. Rather than throwing
them away, the ceramic chips were fixed on the floor. Nuski Mohamed and Rila
Mohamed were the last of the Macan-Markar’s to live in the house. Both are
proud products of Richmond College Galle. MIM Mubarak bought the house,
thereafter. His family too is one of the oldest families in Galle Fort.
The family of ‘Kunji Atha’, who used to
live down Church Street at No.76, now partitioned and given on rent. They are
known to host one of the oldest ‘Kandoori’ in Sri
Lanka, commemorating the Holy Prophets
Birthday Celebration. Of the 12 days of religious and spiritual celebration,
they would be the inaugural family to host the community.”
“Now the house is named as ‘Geylani Manzil’.
And the upper floor of the house has been converted into a Restaurant called ‘Stairway’
run by Yazid.”
Jiffry Thakkiya
“The Jiffry Thakkiya is a Sufi Lodge
belonging to the Alaviyathul Qadiriya Sufi Order situated at the lower end of Church
Street and Small Cross Street. It is famously known as Jiffry Thakkiya, as all
the heads of the Sufi order are named as ‘Jiifry Mawlana’. The property is said
to have been gifted to the Thakkiya by the Vilcassim Family and the building
was constructed by Thaha Cassim, both native philanthropist from Galle Fort.
The largest annual feast in Galle Fort is hosted by Jiiffry Thakkiya. Nethra
Samarasinghe, an Anthropologist, in her Dalhousie University Masters thesis
“Remaking the Fort: Familiarization, Heritage and Gentrification in Sri Lanka’s
Galle Fort” in Chapter 4 explains in its best as extracted below; “On a
sweltering afternoon in mid September, the Alawiya Thakkiya (a Sufi lodge) held
its annual Kanduri feast. It was the Fort’s first public feast after a month of
fasting and was held two weeks after Eid, which marked the end of Ramadan.
It was a much- anticipated feast: None of the
Muslim families of the Fort cooked that afternoon as they all expected to join
the festivities. Many of their middle class relatives made the four- hour drive
from Colombo, and Muslim families from villages an hour or two down the
coastline arrived in buses and
By 1pm the sun had reached its peak.
There wasn’t a patch of shade in sight, yet, at this hour when Fort People
usually retreat into their houses to sleep away the heat,
Church Street was swelling with crowds
and there was
little room to move near the Thakkiya. Thakkiya
means “place of repose” in Arabic and
refers to a lodge or prayer house for Sufi Muslims.
The Alawyia Thakkiya, is the lodge of
the Sufis belonging to the Alawiya network. The Fort has four other lodges that
belong to different Sufi networks. The Alawyia Thakkiya is a pale green
building at the corner of Church Street and Small Cross Street. Church Street
is one of the main thoroughfares of the Fort; it divides the walled town
lengthwise in half and has a network of small lanes branching off from it. As
its name suggests, Church Street was once the Christian heart of the Fort and
still contains the Dutch Reformed Church built in 1684, and the Anglican Church
built by the British in 1871.
These churches are sparsely attended
today, as the Burghers who once comprised the town’s majority Christian
population collectively migrated out of the town and the island at large in the
1960s and 1970s. Today, Church Street is the main commercial street of the Fort
and houses jewelry shops, designer stores, and boutique hotels in addition to
the churches in its upper half.
The houses in the lower half of the
street are almost entirely owned by Muslims. These houses, built wall-to-wall,
with verandas opening out onto the street, extend in two long rows towards the
sea-facing ramparts.
The Muslim presence is physically
inscribed on the street by the green-colored Sufi lodges of the Shazuliya and
Alawiya networks. On regular days, these buildings with their Islamicized
colonial architecture blend inconspicuously into the streetscape.
On September 18th, however, the Alawiya
Thakkiya stood out as focal point of the street’s activities.
At 1pm the prayers begin at the Thakkiya.
The two prayer halls of the Thakkiya are already filled, an hour before, and
people jostle to find a spot to stand on the crowded street.
Looking from where I stood, directly
facing the Thakkiya, it seemed that this was an entirely male space. The front
prayer hall was filled with men in white prayer caps. Crowding around a large
area fanning out from the Thakkiya were men of all ages wearing shirts and
trousers, tunics, shirts, and sarongs. Men not only filled the street, but also
occupied the verandas of the jewelry shop next to the Thakkiya and all the
Muslim houses immediately across from it. Further down the road, at the corner
where Small Cross Street intersects Church Street, the gender composition of
the crowd shifted.
A long line of women dressed in shalwar
kameez and headscarves stood by the wall that stretched along Small Cross
Street, facing the Thakkiya from its side.
Dressed in reds, oranges, greens, and
blues with gold bangles, earrings, and chains, the women contrasted sharply
with the men who stood in whites and browns just around the corner.
Like the men’s prayer hall in front, the
women’s prayer hall at the side was full. Younger women—new brides—sat at the
center surrounded by middle aged women and a ring of old ladies with their
backs against the wall. The children and unmarried girls remained inside the
living rooms of the adjacent houses, as I observed while passing by them. Just
as the porches of the houses across from the Thakkiya were filled with men, the
houses further down Church Street and all along this side street were filled
with women.
As the Kanduri feast unfolded in space,
the Fort’s colonial street plan—with its geometrical grid and systematic ordering
of space into thoroughfares and side streets— became overlaid with a new set of
spatial demarcations.
Residents needed to host all the
attendees down one street block while adhering to the Islamic practice of
spatially separating genders in the public sphere. Because the prayer halls had
filled up, distinct blocks of men’s spaces and women’s spaces formed in Church
Street and its side lanes.
Kanduri feasts are held in Sufi
communities all along Sri Lanka’s coastline, but most Sufi lodges are built
with ample space to host large crowds. If held in a Thakkiya outside the Fort,
the feast’s activities would have been circumscribed within the boundaries of
the religious space. But as the Fort’s Thakkiya is a refashioned colonial
townhouse, and was never built to accommodate such crowds, people turned the
streets into extensions of the prayer halls and the segregation of genders in
the interior of the lodge became scaled up to encompass the public
street. For that afternoon, people
temporarily recoded
Church Street’s existing spatial
organization into a gendered spatial landscape segregated according to Islamic
norms. This temporary reorganization of the Fort’s space into men’s and women’s
spheres is not unique to the Kanduri feast.
Ten days prior to the feast, when Muslim
residents made visits to their neighbors and relatives to celebrate Eid, men,
women, and children took to the streets at different times of the day.
Soon after the morning prayers at the
mosque, the Fort’s streets were filled with men visiting each other’s houses,
and stopping to exchange Salaams. In the
afternoons, children dressed in their best clothes and walked in groups, going
from house to house to collect gifts and sweets from other Muslim families.
It was only in the night when the men
went inside that married women and their unmarried daughters walked down the
streets to drop into their relatives’ homes. While in most urban areas Muslim
families leave together to visit family and friends for Eid, in the Fort women
and children go on their own as they find it safe to walk unaccompanied by men
within the walled city. Therefore, during course of the Eid celebrations, the
Fort’s streets were filled at alternating intervals with groups of men, women
or children. While the separation of men and women was temporal during Eid, and
spatial during the Kanduri, they both illustrate a Fort Muslim practice of
temporarily inflecting the town’s public spaces with their own codes of gender
As the prayers for the Kanduri ended,
the food distribution began. The feasts’ food was stored down Small Cross
Street in the men’s Zawiya of the Shazuliya Sufi network (A Zawiya is also a
Sufi lodge or prayer hall. It serves the same function as the Thakkiya) Its
prayer hall was filled with sawans, metal basins of food covered in banana
leaves, and as I stopped by my friend Hamad told me, “There are 500 sawans
here, and with six to a plate we could feed 3000.” As the prayers were coming
to a close, a line of men—young children, old men, and teenagers with their
slick haircuts concealed by prayer caps passed the basins of food from hand to
hand between the two lodges.
Once the prayers concluded, people who
were sitting inside the Thakkiya and standing on the streets made their way towards the houses in the lower half
of Church Street.
Young boys wove through the crowd
ferrying the sawans to the houses. Many Muslim residents told me earlier that
it was a tradition of Muslim families down Church Street to contribute to the
Kanduri by opening up their homes to the guests of the feast. They cleared out
the furniture and laid mats down in their porches and living rooms for the
participants to eat on. Some houses hosted men; some hosted women.
In others, men sat in the porches and
women remained in the living rooms. In the house where I ate with my host
family, there were five sahans (large dishes), with six people sitting around
each. Larger homes had more. Walking around later, and chatting with friends
about where they ate and whom they shared the food with, I realized that
residents of this street block had collectively
hosted every Muslim family in the Fort,
which constituted more than half of town’s population, as well as all the
people who came from Colombo and the villages outlying Galle.
During the feast, Church Street’s
capacity to hold people increased by three or four fold as people temporarily
blurred the boundaries separating ritual, public, commercial and domestic
The Thakkiya’s ritual activities,
carried out by bodies in prayer, spilled out onto the public street, filled the
jewelry shop next door, and spread down the block along the front porches of
the houses. Domestic space became remade into public or communal space for the
duration of the feast as Church Street’s Muslim residents opened out their
verandas and living rooms for visitors
from other parts of the Fort and from outside the town. As both Muslim
residents in the Fort and those attending from outside told me, this way of
hosting a Kanduri is particular to the Fort. The reasons for this are closely
linked to the spatial arrangement of the townhouses and street:
People extended the feast’s activities
from the Tkakkiya into the street and surrounding houses primarily in response
to a lack of available space inside the Sufi lodge. Also, residents were able
to host the feast’s crowd in the way that they did because the verandas, by
their structure, already blur boundaries between the street and the home, and
residents in their everyday lives treat the porch as an extension of the public
Yet these creative strategies that
residents had devised to overcome the town’s particular limitations of space
over time, become traditions that
characterized Kanduris in the Fort and differentiated them from feasts
“One of the best explanation of the
cultural and ritualistic life style of the Muslim community of Galle Fort”.
Dairy King Ice Cream Parlour
“An Art Deco House of the British Era,
anyone who would pass down the street would notice the Baby Pink and Blue Home
made Ice Cream Shop. It’s a family business run by Shahnun Samsudeen and Tariq
Nassim. The family home of the Samsudeen family four sisters.
It is believed that the house was
originally a Horse Stable and thereafter during the British the present
building was built as a recreational club for the British Mecenaries and
Europeans. Many would have found its way to play a game
of billiard or pool or even game of bridge.
Thereafter it was purchased by PT Abdul Rahman before the house was bought over
by the current family.”
Sea View
“The Sea View is located right at the
corner of Church Street and Rampart Street. Observing the architectural
features of the house, it would have been an Old Dutch Era Mansion House later
modified during the British Era. Angelo Ephrums, AR Ephraum’s elder brother,
who bought the NOH ran the premises as the Sea View Hotel (Norah Roberts). OLM Macan-Markar
acquired the property in 1887. It is the ancestral house of the Macan-Markar’s.
They were one of the most prominent moor families in Sri Lanka. I am the
great-great-greatgrand son of OLM. Macan-Markar and Ameena Umma Aboobuker
through my mothers side.
To keep my biases aside I shall be
compiling the story of the Macan-Markar’s through previous written sources and
family documents. Kumari Jayawardena in her book ‘Nobodies to Somebodies: the
rise of the Colonial Bourgeoisie in Sri Lanka (2019)’ writes as follows; “it
would be useful at this point to look at some of the commercially prominent
Muslim families, particularly since their influence was later translated into
the sphere of politics and social life of the Muslim bourgeoisie… …The source
of important capital accumulation among southern Muslims was the gem trade and
the largest profits were delivered by ‘middle-men, gem-cutting establishments
and retailers’ (Roberts 1979:167).
The family of Naina-Markar was linked
through marriage to the Macan-Markar, a family that rose to prominence and to a
position of leadership in Muslim society through
the gem retail trade. The founder of the Macan-Markar
family business was Othuman Lebbe Macan-Markar of Galle, who started as a
modest itinerant gem trader in Ratnapura and opened a jewellery shop in the
Oriental Hotel in Galle in 1860. He moved to Colombo when it replaced Galle as
the leading port, and in 1892, he acquired a shop in the Grand Oriental Hotel,
a popular tourist hotel in Colombo, where he had a large clientele of
foreigners including visiting royalty; he also exported cut and polished gems
to Britain and was the owner of land in Ratnapura, the gem district in Sri
Lanka. Macan-Markar married Amina Umma, daughter of Aboobuker Mudaliyar.
Their son O.L. Mohamed Macan-Markar
(1877-1952), was educated at All Saints College, Galle, and Wesley College,
Colombo, and joined teh family business.
He was immensely successful and
diversified into both plantations and urban property. By 1927, he owned 731
acres of rubber and coconut land (Roberts 1979: Chapter IV, Table 2). He bought
valuable land near Galle Face and put up the Galle Face Court, the first
multi-storey apartment building in Colombo with apartments and ground floor
shops. The gem company also moved into their own premises, the Macan-Markar
building in the Fort.
Mohamed Macan-Markar’s public life began early;
in 1906, he became the Vice-Consul for Turkey and was made Consul in 1915. The
Turkish connection gave local Muslims a sense of Muslim identity, and Macan-Markar,
attired in fez hat and Turkish costumes, was presented to King Edward VII and
was addressed in Turkish style effendi (Marikar 1979).”
Asif Hussain in his book “Sarandib: An
ethnological study of Muslims of Sri Lanka (2011)” states with regard to the
Gem and Jewellery Business, the style of name and the religious feast conducted
by the Macan-Markars, quoted below; “Many Moors no doubt made their fortune in
the gem trade as well as in the related field of jewellery. Among the Moorish
businesses mentioned in Twentieth Century Impressions of Ceylon (1907) we find
a reference to OLM Macan-Markar which is said to be ‘the oldest established
jewellery business in the island’, it having been founded at Galle in 1860 by
Othman Lebbe Macan-Markar. He is said to have started as a gem-trader in a
small way, buying and selling single stones (330)”
“The Macan-Markars of Galle were
probably among the first to adopt surnames of the European type, for we learn
that Oduma Lebbe Marikar Macan-Markar of
Galle, a leading nineteenth century Moor entrepreneur who passed away in 1901
had four sons, namely, Mohamed Macan-Markar, Samsudeen Macan-Markar, Abdul
Vadood Macan-Markar and Mohamed Saleh Macan-Markar, all surnamed Macan-Markar
after the European manner, a tradition continued by the subsequent generations.
The Magdon-Ismails also seem to have adopted their family name quite early on
considering the several generations that have carried this surname (217).””
“…the annual Mawlud-un-Nabi ceremony at
the Macan-Markar’s ancestral home ‘Sea View’ in Church Street, Galle Fort which
is said to have been in existence for over a century. The celebration here
consists of benedictions being pronounced on the Prophet followed by a lengthy
duā in Arabic and Tamil and culminates with a sumptuous luncheon.
The function is attended by both men and
women with the men seated upstairs and the women downstairs. Participants
include members of the Macan-Markar family, family friends and residents of
Galle Fort (181).”
“As stated by Marwaan Macan-Markar,
Great Grandson of OLM Macan-Markar: ‘Celebrating OLMM.M Legacy: A jeweller from
Galle Fort who made his family sparkle’ - Extracts from the booklet, “OLM Macan-Markar:
inaugural Family Reunion: Celebrate Your Heritage, August 2018”) “O.L.M Macan-Markar
died on July 4th 1901, at Sea View, the grand, spacious, Dutch Colonial-Era
House that remains a land mark in Galle Fort.
By then he made a name as one of the
country’s wealthiest gem merchants. There are many facets of his life, that of
his wife’s his children and their
descendents’ that shine through. Some of these stories have been retold, have
come down generations, spanning over 150 years. They are threads that bind our
family’s unique history. They are a celebration of lively oral tradition that
runs through decades. It is something to be proud of.
We sometimes get a chance to hear them
at large family weddings, at small family gatherings and at the annual
kandhuri. But some of these facets of the OLM Macan-Markar family’s
achievements are worth illuminating.
hopefully, they will strike a chord with
as many members of our large and expansive family tree, which has grown from
its beginnings in the narrow, quiet streets of the Galle Fort to cosmopolitan
capitals across many corners of the world…
…the Macan-Markar family life grounded
in the world of Galle Fort. Among them was the rise of “Sea View” as the new
home of the family. It was here that the family patriarch, despite being
unschooled, welcome his growing list of European customers.
It was here that his sons and daughters
grew up and stayed, including his youngest daughter, Haaseena Umma, till her
death in 1975. Those who came before her and shared a childhood in the large,
airy halls at “Sea View” were her sisters - - Fathumoothu, Nafeesa Umma, Sithy
Safa, Khatheeja Umma, Razeena Umma and Shahana (died young and predeceased his
parents), Mohamed,
Samsudeen, Abdul Vadood, Mohamed Cassim
(who dies young but after his fathers death) and Mohamed Saleh.
And it was from here that a large
retinue of family
members left on all-day picnics in
bullock carts and, later, cars to idyllic spots by the banks of a river outside
the Fort. They took with them kept short, that special picnic lunch and
distinct Galle Muslim recipe, complete with rice and the accompanying 14
dishes, served on banana leaves.
It was also from the family Dutch-era
mansion that religious tradition begun during OLM Macan-Markar’s times has
continued for over 100 years - the annual kandhuri, a weekend on the eve of the
annual Ramadan fast marked by faith, food and family. The annual gathering fo
prayers and family reunion serves meals for nearly 600 people on the Sunday
afternoon it is held.
Those who attend have come to expect the
special sweet - the muscat - that is served in palm sized portions at the end
of the kandhuri’s biriyani lunch. It is a sweet produced
like so many other distinct sweets and
spicy dishes by the females in the family, many of them, like the muscat, being
made from recepes kept as family secrets and handed down from generation to
generation. These recipes are part of the family lore for their origins, too.
Most were inspired from the dishes that were prepared for the many Arab and
South Asian visitors, including the Sheikhs of Mecca, who stayed for long
stretches at “Sea View”.
Even today within the Galle Fort, rich
with its muscat, enjoys a special status in the religious calendar of the Fort
residents. At the heart of this religious facet was another central pillar of
the family: the matriarch and the wife of OLM Macan-Markar, Aamina Umma.
Her surviving grandchildren relate stories
of her charity
and piety, which combined to give their
parents, her children, a religious foundation.
Its was out of this devotion that she
made a mark in the annals of Islamic Education in the country, laying
foundation to build Bahjathul Ibrahimiya Arabic College in 1892, a few doors
away from “Sea View”. This islamic school opened its doors to Muslim students
across the country to be tutored in theology, Arabic and Islamic principles.
The family stepped in to cover the cost, ensuring free Tution, board and
lodging for students from across the country who applied for a place. It meant
that Ceylonese Muslims who aspired for a religious education had a domestic
choice in the Galle Fort. Till then, the only route opened to them was a
journey to India to attend an Islamic school in India’s southern states. Ever
since, the students of the school have become a regular fixture at “Sea View”
during prayers and religious events…”
Sir Mohamed Macan-Markar’s marriage to
Lady Noor Naima was reported in “The Ceylon Independent, Monday, July 25, 1910”
as a Fashionable Moorish Wedding “at home” Galle, Ceremony at “Muirburn”,
Colombo: Mohamed - Marikar “The Marriage Mr. H.M Macan-Markar Effendi, Imperial
Ottoman Consul to Ms. Noor Naima Naina-Marikar...
…The seconds of the two events of
Saturday took place at “Sea View House”, the residence of teh bridegroom, when
Mr. Samsideen Macan-Markar, brother of the bridegroom, held a brilliant
reception to a large gathering of friends and well-wishers of the bridegroom,
held a brilliant
reception to a large gathering of
friends and well-wishers of the bridegroom. The entire length of Church Street
illuminated with kits on lights,
specially got down from
Colombo. The residence which is a very
commodious one was beautifully got up, the numerous halls and rooms being well
furnished, while the floors were spread with Turkish and Persian carpets. One
of the chief attraction was the crystal bed, which is said to be the only one
in the island, and which came in for considerable attention… …at 9.30 P.M, soon
after the well furnished apartments were filled with the invited guests, who
were treated to a brilliant display of fireworks there being four parties
competing. A special bridge had been erected across the roadway from the house
to the ramparts, where the marquee was run…”
The wedding reciprocates with a
description of the Nostalgic memories of E.F.C. Ludowyk (16. 10. 1906, Galle -
1.06.1985, Colchester, England) in his book
“Those Long Afternoons: Childhood in Colonial
“Diversions in a different style, more
spectacular and remote were provided by weddings between wealthy families in
the moorish community. My brother and I were young enough, for a while, to
accompany my mother to see the bride sitting in forlorn state, sometimes in
what seemed to be canine of glass with brocade and crystal hangings. We gazed
at her in awkward silence in the musk-laden atmosphere, hoot with the glare of
lights. Then out we went, my mother to linger awhile in the reception room,
while we were pressed by school mates in the reception room, perspiring in the
unaccustomed finery of tweed suits to help ourselves at tables decorated with
uncut pineapples and a medley of dishes. The occasion was too crowded and noisy
for the collation offered.
It was pleasanter to escape outside and join
Granny and the ayah (maid) and sit overlooking the sea on the edge
the multitude waiting for the fireworks.
The Police Band from Colombo played valiantly through the din to which it
contributed, marches, overtures and musical snatches.
Then came the band of the rockets and
flowers in red, yellow and blue broke into bloom, dropped and faded in the
darkling sky to be followed by inumerable serpents of flame sizzling and
gyrating in the heavens. For a moment both sea and sky were illuminated and
then half-darkness returned and a collective sigh went up from the crowd. The
band continued to play; God save the King blazed in lights. But the bridegroom
had not as yet arrived. It was late enough and it was time for us to depart.”
As said by Fauzulilla, Youngest Grand Daughter of OLMMacan-Markar; ‘Mrs.OLMM.M
(Aamina Umma) - Extracts from the booklet, “OLM Macan-Markar: inaugural Family
Reunion: Celebrate Your Heritage, August 2018”
“My paternal grand mother Aamina Umma,
who I had never seen, unknowingly was a big presence in my life, and I believe
in many of the other grand children’s lives too…
…She lost her most steadfast support,
partner and confidante in her life when her dear husband Oduman Lebbe Marikkar Macan-Markar
died in 1901. His absolute confidence in her ability and capabilities made him
leave all his possessions not to his children, until the youngest reached the
age of 25, but to his wife.
This made her in charge of the
well-established firm OLMMacan-Markar, all the gems and jewellery in it, plus
all his properties and all others that belonged to him.
The codicil that empowered her said she
could sell or do
whatever she wished and nobody could
question her on her decision. And when she finally handed over the family
business to her sons, she gave the the important advice - not to be a guarantor
nor to take loans. Her greatness can be judged by the way her husband looked up
to her, by the confidence and trust he had in her - so many years ago when women
were not even seen, leave alone being heard. Today they are fighting for
empowerment of women more than a hundred years later…
…At one point in her life she was
compelled to attend a court case regarding the rights to care for her 2 grand
daughters Madaniya and Sithy, when they lost their mother. The fathers claim
was dismissed and she was given the rights of keeping the children with her.
The court case was held at Sea View as was in purdah, and the British
Government decided to bring the court to Sea vIew, where the proceedings of the
court took place officially…”
[courtesy Uzman Anver, Attorney
at Law, Galle Fort]
The Macan Markar’s lived down Church
Street but moved to Colombo mainly in order to pursue their gems and jewellery
business. In the 70s there used to be an old lady called Haseenatha who lived
in their family home.
Haji Sir Mohamed Macan-Markar Effendi
Oduma Lebbe Marikar of Galle had three sons - Naina Marikar, Macan
Markar and Haji Ahmad. Naina Marikar had many sons, the
eldest of whom was Mohamed Ismail. He established a Gem & Jewellery
business in his name, N.M.Ismail.
On his death, his three sons
- Mahmood Ali, Mohamed Jameel and Mohamed Kassim (better
known for his services as Honorary Secretary to the Ceylon Cricket Association
for nearly a decade), changed the name of the business to M.Ali & Bros. and
carried on a lucrative trade in the Victoria Arcade. They also assumed the
ownership and management of Watawala Tea
Estate, near Hatton, in the Central Province. Haji Ahmed had
an only son, Cabeer who passed away at a relatively young age while performing
the Jumma Prayers at the Galle Fort Mosque.
Oduma Lebbe Marikar Macan
Markar, the second son, established, in 1860, a jewelry business at
Point de Galle by the name of O L M Macan Markar & Company Limited. It is
the oldest business of this kind in Sri Lanka. The business flourished and was
moved to Colombo when the port of call for ships was moved from galle harbor to Colombo harbour.
His establishment in Colombo
commenced at No. 1, Grand Oriental Hotel Arcade, Fort, Colombo. With the
increase of patronage he moved to a more prominent location of the Grand
Oriental Hotel in 1905. He had, among his clients, several members of the
British Royalty comprising, His Majesty King Edward VII (1875) as Prince of
Wales and His Majesty King George V (1901) as the Duke of Cornwall and York.
Amongst the British nobility, some of his customers were, the
Duke of Manchester, the Duke of Sutherland, Earl of Aylesford, Earl of
Ellesmore, and Lord Abercomby.
In 1901, His Majesty King
George V, as the Duke of Cornwall and York and the Duke of Roxbury, visited the
exhibition of gems specially displayed at the King’s Pavillion in Kandy and
made purchases from Macan Markar and complimented the firm for
their excellent collection of gems. The firm regularly exported precious stones
to the London and Paris markets. The world famous Cat’s Eye, weighing 105
Carats, called the Blue Giant of the Orient, a Blue Sapphire weighing 225
carats and the Wonder Star of Asia, a Star Sapphire weighing 225 carats are in
the possession of the firm. They also possess a rare collection of antique
jewellery worn by Moor brides of the past.
OLM Macan Markar passed away on July 4, 1901.
The members of the firm who
succeeded the founder were his four sons - Mohamed Macan Markar, Samsudeen
Macan Markar, the most resourceful of them all in business, Abdul
Vadood Macan Markar, steady and cautious in all his underatkings,
and Mohamed Saleh Macan Markar, who passed away early in life in
the year 1928 leaving behind a bequest of Rs. 50,000 for the establishment of
the Saleh Macan Markar Muslim Educational Trust for the
welfare of Muslim students.
The firm had, prior to 1942,
branch offices at Shepherd’s Hotel, Continental Savoy, and Semiramis at Cairo
and King David Hotel in Jerusalem.
Mohamed Macan Markar, fifth in a family of thirteen, was born at No. 47, Church
Street, Fort, Galle on September 7, 1877. He was educated at Wesley College,
Colombo (Pettah) and represented the College Cricket XI under the name of M.M.Mohamed,
as he was then known at school. His contemporaries were, C.E.Pereira, who was
the captain of the Cricket XI at Wesley, and S.P.Foenander, the worlds official cricket record keeper.
Mohamed made an unsuccessful attempt at passing the pre-medical
examination before turning to business.
He was the Vice Consul for
Turkey at Galle and later Consul for Turkey at Colombo during the period 1903
to 1915. He was also a member of the Galle Municipal Council, for twenty five
years, during the period 1906 to 1931. later he
was a member of the Colombo Municipal Council from 1940 to 1943. he also sat as a member of the Fez Committee and was
the founder President of the All Ceylon Moor’s Association for and held that
position for a number of years. He, subsequently, held the position of
President of the All Ceylon Muslim League in 1945. He represented the Consulta
eof Turkey in Ceylon. First Muslim Member for the All
Island Seat at the Legislative Council. Senator 1947-1952. In
addition, Mohamed was a registered member of the congregation
of the Maradana Mosque. He was Knighted in
Ibrahimiya Arabic College at
Galle was founded by his mother, Mrs. OLM Macan Markar, who left
endowments for its maintenance. The institution is now being maintained by the
Haji Mohamed Macan Markar,
Effendi, as he was known then, married Noor Neima Naina-Marikar,
the eldest daughter of SL Naina Marikar Hajiar, on July 2,
1910, at "Muirburn", Turret Road, Colombo.
When the Hijaz Railway
connecting Makkah and Madinah was commenced in 1907, Ceylon Muslims presented,
at the Grand Mosque, New Moor Street, an address of thanks to the Turkish
Consul, Mohamed Macan Markar, for submission to the Sultan of Turkey. A
photograph of those who attended this function is still available.
Mohamed Macan Markar performed the Hajj piligrimage, in 1906, together with his
mother, Aamina Umma, daughter of Aboobucker Mudaliyar,
his grandmother Pathumuthu, daughter of Mudaliyar Cassim Lebbe Marikar (Cassile
Blanc), his maternal uncle, Avoo Lebbe Marikar and the two
ikhwans. SLMH Abdul Wahab and HSM
Katheeb Izadeen, married Jameela Umma Cassim,
d/o of (Pulli Maan) Dheen Cassim & Muthu Natchiya.
He was the first Arabic teacher at Zahira College, Colombo and is
buried at the Maradana Mosque premises, after Jumuah Prayers, as reqested by
the late Hon TB Jayah, Principal. Katheeb Izzadeen & Jameela are
also the parents of Izzathul Suada (one of the pioneer
teachers at Muslim Ladies College, Colombo 4, under the leadership of the late
Mrs Ayesha Rauff, and wife of MCM Thaha, oldest
brother of Dr MCM Kaleel), Saadul Fuada (wife of Abul
Hassan, the first appointed Mufthi in Ceylon), Shumsudeen (husband
of Maba), Mymoon (wife of AHM Mahsoom), Masoona (wife of the
late ARM Affan), Mohideen (bachelor) & Khadija (married
to AHM Azhar of Galle).
They encountered a number of
interesting adventures on their journey, including an encounter with a Bedouin
tribe while crossing the Arabian desert on
camel back, in a Caravan.
As Turkish Consul, he
visited Istanbul together with his brother Abdul Vadood and thereafter Rome,
Paris and London on business, in 1909. While in London, he was presented to His
Majesty King Edward VII, at St. James’s Palace by Lord Crewe.
Mohamed Macan Markar took a keen interest in the promotion of Muslim education
and subscribed Rs. 1,000 towards the construction of houses, alongside the New
Olympia Theatre at Darley Road, in a project that was estimated to cost Rs.
He, along with M.T.Akbar and
several others, founded the Ceylon Muslim Educational Society Ltd., which
established and managed the Hussainiya Boy’s School and Fathima Girl’s School.
He realised the disability he suffered from insufficient education and
endeavoured to provide his sons the best possible education available.
It was in his lavish
bungalow, "Villa Stamboul", Galle Road, Colpetty, that the
Muslim Ladies of Ceylon, gave an "Arabian
Night" reception and presented an address paper to Lady Manning, wife
of Governor, Sir Henry Manning, on October 5, 1921. The members of the
reception committee were:-
Mrs. SL Naina Marikar, Mrs
EGAdamaly, Mrs CM Meera Lebbe Marikar, Mrs MAC Mohamed, Mrs WM Abdul Rahman,
Mrs SL Mahmood, Mrs AAM Saleem, Mrs MR Akbar, Mrs Ghouse Mohideen, Mrs HNH
Jalaludeen and Mrs HM Macan Markar.
Mohamed Macan Markar was elected the first Mohammedan Member for the all island
seat in the Legislative Council in 1924. He was subsequently elected member for
the Batticaloa South electorate in the State Council from 1931 to 1936
defeating E.R. Thambimuthu, and thereby gave the Muslims of the Eastern
Province a political consciousness. he was
elected the Minister of Communication and Works and it was his deciding vote in
the Board of Ministers that introduced Income Tax to Ceylon. He was Knighted in 1938. At a grand public reception given to
him in his home town, Galle, he was the first Muslim to openly espouse the
establishment of a Sinhala Government, provided that justice and fairplay
amongst all te communities in the country
was ensured. As a matter of fact, the pro-Sinhala attitude of the All Ceylon
Moor’s Association, of which Sir Mohamed was the President,
broke the back-bone of the pro-fifty-fifty group. Sir Mohamed’s successor in
office, Sir Razik Fareed, carried on this policy with great gusto
until the fifty-fifty cry was silenced.
Sir Mohamed was appointed a Senator in the first Parliament of Ceylon in
1947 and continued to remain so until his death, after a short illness, on May
10, 1952 (15 Sha’aban 1371H). His wife pre-deceased him.
He confided that he had two sincere loyal friends who were true to him right up
to the end. They were, Hon. WM Abdul Rahman and HNH
Jalaludeen Hajiar.
Sir Mohamed made a bequest of Rs. 50,000 towards the construction of a
Mosque in the University of Ceylon campus at Peradeniya. He also made
substantial endowments towards Muslim female aducation and for post graduate
studies for Muslim students.
His sons are, Ahmed
Hussain Macan Markar, BA (Cantab), Bar-at-Law, MMC (former MP for
Batticaloa); Alavi Ibrahim Macan Markar, MA (Cantab), FCA,
Chartered Accountant and Dr Mohamed Ajward Macan Markar, MD
(London), MRCP (england), Professor of Medicine,
University of Ceylon, Peradeniya.
His daughters are, Noorul
Kareema (wife of Ahamed Samsudeen Mohamed), Hibshir Hanem (wife
of A.M.Aboobucker), Fathima Shoiba (wife of
S.A.C.Ismail), Noorul Ameena (wife
of Mohamed Alavi Macan Markar).
Aboobucker Mudaliyar and his descendants, Habeeba (ILMM Cassim), Aamina
(OLM Macan Markar),
Juwaila Umma (Sultan Bawa Saheed), Sinne Lebbe Marikar (Pathumuthoo), Avoo
Lebbe Marikar (ALM Habeeba Umma),
Ayesha Umma (Yusuf Marikar), Abdul Careem (Katheja Umma Ismail), Cader Candu
Natchia (M Ismail Naina Marikar), & Mohamed Cassim
Natchiar Aboobucker & Ismail Lebbe Marikar Muhammad Cassim’s descendants
are Abdul Rahim & Zubaida (Segu Abdul Cader), Mohamed Semsemi, Abdul Jaleel (Saeedathumma), & Mohideen (Fathuma Abdul Careem),
& Abdul Rahim’s progeny are,
Ayesha Segu Abdul
Cader who married Packeer Mohideen
Packeer Mohideen who married Abdullah Marikar
Faizel Mohamed who married Sandya and whose children are Shazna & Saarah
Fazlene Mohamed who married M Marzook Sheriff and whose children are Shaheena
Sheriff and Dr Asif Sheriff
Mohamed who married Fazlul Cader and whose children are Shihana Cader &
Sadiq Cader
Packeer Mohideen who married Mashoora
Hussain and whose childern are Madarudeen Mohamed & Mueena Mohamed
Packeer Mohideen who married A.M.M Thassim and whose children are Yasri Thassim
& Yusri Thassim
Packeer Mohideen who
married M.H.M Saheed and whose children are Nooriya Saheed & Aroosi Saheed
A Jiffry Packeer Mohideen

Zubaida Packeer Mohideen Abdullah Marikar Mohamed
AMM Thassim 8/8/1908-1/9/1974
Semsemi & Zeenaths progeny are,
Flyle Hussain (Elfreida)
Ruzly Hussain (Feroza Marikar-Bawa)
Shoiba Mashoor (Dr Saud Hameed)
Rezana Mashoor (Dr Fahmy Ismail)
Abdul Jaleel & Saeedathumma Cassim
Sultan Bawa’s progeny are,
Ms Raina Jaleel (Fahmy Cader)
Ms Raisa Jaleel (Imthiaz Cader)
Ms Salva Jaleel (Firzad Hussain Caffoor)
Ms Zeida Jaleel (Althaf Hussain Caffoor)
Bari Jaleel (Renuza Hasheem)
Ghazi Careem (Shenaz Abdullah Markar)
Ms Rinza Careem (Farin Careem)
Ms Rinoza Careem (SMA Shabdeen)
Mohideen & Fathuma Abdul Careem’s
progeny are,
Muayyad Cader (Masserath), Mohideen
(Fathuma Abdul Careem), Muannad Cader (Maria)
Ms Muneefa (Muayyad Idroos), Shaheen,
Sameera, Shamila
Fasilet Cassim (Abdul Careem Shums)
Masheviat Cassim, Zareef Cassim, Sarmiya
Cassim, Akram Cassim
NN=Lovi Udu - Magdon-Ismail, Ms Ain
Magdon-Ismail, and children Fareena, Nishreen, & Rizli
Alavi Ismail, wife Sithy, and children
Firdhouse, Salma, Jiffry, & Mohideen
NN=Turkey - Mashoor, wife Jisthiya,
brothers in law Dr Saud Hameed, Mohideen, and son Jazry
Pookaka’s Thakkiya
Saather House, Haleema Khaija, Sonny,
& Noori
ILM House, Hibshiya, Haleema, Huzaima,
Faalila, Nilam, & Haameem
Mansoor Marikkar, Baraka, Shakira,
Zacky, Nasser, Saina, & Zaabith
Deen, Ms Nilama Deen, Rikza, & Rifdy
NN=Major - Hussain, sister Fathuma,
Ahamed, Shaffy, children Zain, Sithy, Noor, Safiya, & Vaheeda
Ms Sithy Rahima, Hafeel NN=Maama Kaaka
Udu, daughter Rabah & ZOHARI
Ms Sarjeen Ismail, & Shaadiya
Sakkaf – Sithy Zaahira, Nasiha, Jasiya, Aroos, (UK) Ismail, Fairooz, &
Udu - Zanooha, & SHAMLA
Nusky, & Rila
Datha, Shafeek, Farook, Rafeek, Thowfeek, Ameen, Inaya, & Raazik
Khaija, Hanoon, Ahamed, & Nasreen
Sainoon, Nafeesa, Sithy Aisha, Rafeeka, Fahari, & Faizal
NN=Sheenana Udu -
Sithy (NN=Chicholi), Fareesa, Rameeza, Aroosiyah, Saadiqa, & Jiffry
CTB Manager, Galle
Seniya Noordeen
& Mrs Markar, son Rizly (NN=Tom), Shina, & LAILA
& Ameena, children Ahamed Areeza, & Areez
Hassan Hajiar & Ain, children KHYR, Fathuma,
(Hamza), Kayes (Zeenath), and grand children Uzby, Ubaid, & Sithy Fathuma
& Ain, children Mubarak, FAHUMIYA, Kamariya
(Thaha), grand child Hazeema
& Zubaida, children Fazlyn and Fathuma
Junooda, Jiffry
& Mrs Bultjens, children Aubrey, Cheryl, & Errol
Hussain, Saniya, Hurlyn, Jasmiya, Sa’ad, Sahal, Shaanaz, & Rukiya
Cottage, Mariam, Haleema, & Sainoon
House – Haseena Datha
ABM Shafeek (ex Ahadiya Sunday
School Teacher and his wife Zainab Rahman
Effendi Rahman & Haleema Cassim,
children Zainab (Shafeek), Fathuma Asma (Naufal), Rehana (Nimal), Shereela (Dr
Malik Deen, USA), Fareena
(Farook), Ifthikhar (Shainza), & Rahila (Imtiaz) lived down this street.
Subsequently, they moved to Hultsdorf as the children were attending Colombo
schools (SPM) and then to Mount Lavinia.
Ms Kamariya Thaha
Ms Nafeesa Mubarak
Ms Safiya Shahul Hameed
Ms Sithy Rahima Hafeel
ABM Ameen (younger brother of Shafeek)
Thariq Nasim
Fareed Ibrahim
Zain Shaffy
Shafy Hajiar
Safa Ibrahim
Na’aman Hajiar taught the reading of Qur’an
to the children in the Fort in the 60s. He had a small facility referred to as
a “Palli Koodam” (class room) adjacent to the Bultjen’s home. The kids who were
able to read the Qur’an fluently were also taught Tamil language, Book 1&2,
as a special bonus. He also composed short songs in Arabic-Tamil for all significant
religious occasions including whenever special dignitaries visited the Fort.
youngsters in the Fort, in the 60s, started the first Sunday School for
children at the Arabic College. A group of them, including the brother of
Fathima Hanim, the late A.H.M. Mahroof (Fort
Printers and presently GMA printers) also started the “Galle Muslim Cultural
Association” and organized annual competitions for Qu’ran recital, Oratory,
Calligraphy, Azan with many valuable prizes offered to the winners.
Fathima Hanim says, “When we were
kids, every house had a wooden board in the shape of a tablet (see pix below). It was
whitewashed and the ink was made of roasted rice. A pen shaped from a bamboo
was used to write on the board.The kids took the board, ink, and pen to Na’man
Haji’s “Palli Koodam”and were only allowed to start books once they had mastered
the alphabets. Sometimes, we went to our neighbor, Adam Hajiar’s, with the board for
lessons.Many adults taught their kids at home and this board is still preserved
in many Galle Fort homes”

She also identifies the following families
who used to live in communion in the 60s who are still resident in the same house
in the Fort.
Sithy Raheema Hafeel and daughter Rabah Ameen,
Shafeeks sister in law
Ms Safiya and husband Shahul Hameed
Ms Nafeesa Mubarak
Ms Nasreen and her uncle Ahamed
The late Nadha Shamsudeen’s children, Shahriya, her 3 daughters
(Afreen, Afrah and Ashrath), MASHOORA, Shahnun, husband Thaariq and their children (son Makki, twins
Thahseen & Thahneez, and Mariam)
Ms Kamariya Thaha and her daughters Hirza,
Sithy Khaija and grand children
The Dutch Reformed Church
Dutch Reformed Church
All Saints' Church is
an Anglican church
located within the Galle fort in Galle, Sri Lanka and is located on Church Road.
The decision to build an Anglican church at Galle, was initiated
by the first Bishop of Colombo, Rt. Rev. James Chapman. The
foundation of the church was laid on 30 October 1868, by Rev. Dr. Piers
Calveley Claughton, the second Bishop of Colombo. The construction of the
church was facilitated by a grant of the land and £600 from the 13th Governor
of Ceylon, Sir Hercules Robinson. A further £1,000 contribution was received
from an English parish. The Church was designed by J.G. Smithers, the
government architect, who later designed the National Museum of Colombo.
The Church was constructed on the site of a former Court House (1780s). The
gallows it is said stood on the site of the present altar. The Anglican
congregation in Galle which, up to then, worshipped in the Dutch Church.
The church was consecrated on 21 February 1871 by Bishop Claughton, assisted by
the church's first vicar, Rev. Dr. George Justus Schrader (1829-1875).
In recognition of Rev. Dr. Schrader's significant contribution
to the Church, a large bell was placed in his memory in the centre dome of the
Church in 1876. In the mid 1960s, for security reasons the bell was lowered and
was left to be sold. It was subsequently bought by the diocese and is now
housed in the Cathedral of Christ the Living
Saviour in Colombo. The current bell was acquired by the Church
in 1968. The bell came from the Liberty Ship, "Ocean Verity",
and was donated by the Clan Line Steamship Company.
Cross Street
street starts at the now defunct post office and leads up to Lighthouse Street,
where the Telecommunication office is situated.
Mr Laafat (Dr. Ansari Hassen’s
brother) and his wife Zaima, mother-in-law, brother-in-law Fazlul and daughter
Faheema (now Dr. Faheema Saheed).
The Galle Gymkhana Club founded in 1885
which was later renamed to Galle Gymkhana Lawn Tennis Club (GGLTC). The Club
conducted a very popular sweep and annual horse racing meet at Boosa outside
the Fort. The location has now been converted into a children’s playground, opened
by the Lions Club of Galle and named after Mahendran Amarasooriya, Chairman of
Commercial Bank and Director of several corporate organizations, and son of a very
famous Buddhist philanthropist, Senator Thomas Amarasooriya of Unawatunne in Galle
Southlands College, All Sainst College,
St Joseph’s Chapel, the Methodist Church, the Old Dutch House, YMBA, “Beach Haven”,
the residence of the former Deputy Mayor of Galle, Ms ND Wijeyanayake, Thomas Galle
International School, The Muslim Ladies Religious Center (Ummul Fukhura), and
the Tea Small Holdings Authority, are also located down this street. The Maldivians who visited galle for trade
lived at the house “Ocean View” located at No 80.
of the people who lived here are,
Hajiar & Shireen
Datha. BALKEES, Kaizer, Frouze (Zeeniya Hashim), Fouze (Naaz
Sulaiman from the WM Hassim family in Colombo).
PT Abdul Rahman & family.
Yasmin (USA), Cassim, Sheriff, Naufal (decd 2021). The family moved to
Wellawatte and lived down Frederika Road.
Yasmin married Azad and has moved to USA.
Cassim (Bunchy) is married to Sachetha
Naufal married
Fathuma (Asma) Rahman also from Church Street in Galle Fort. Their children are
Rashid (USA) and Ayesha (Reza Rafiq). Naufals mum is a descendant of the
Magdoom family of Galle Fort.
Dr Adly Mohamed & Sithy Rahima.
Sifla, Ain Datha
Asmi Mohamed married Fathima Naima
Naina-Marikar from Wellawatte, children Ayad & Akmal
Proctor Azeez
Jisthy Careem, who led and played
with the band, “Rhythm Knights” in the 60s, also lived down, at the end of,
Lighthouse Street where the entrance of the house faces Rampart Street. Jisthy
has now migrated to Australia.
Jisthy Careem (Australia)
His father, Haji Careem, owned and managed the Eastern
Gem Company on Mody Road, in Kowloon, Hong Kong. The business was very
successful as it was located in the golden mile district of Kowloon, within a
stones throw of the top most 5 star/6 star hotels in the city.
Many celebrities including
members of the Beatles and Nat King Cole (his father did not know who they
were) visited his shop. Hooriya is a sister of Jisthy.
Hooriya Careem
Rhythm Knights
Rhythm Knights
International music star Disti Meerac
(Jisthy Careem)
now living in Sydney, Australia has recorded three songs loved by Vernon Corea
(the legendary Sri Lankan broadcaster) as a tribute to him. Disti was a member
of the well known group ‘Rhythm Knights’ and he sang on the Sri Lanka circuit
with all the stars including Cliff Foenander. Vernon has introduced the Rhythm
Knights on so many stages around the island when he compered the top shows. He
was a leading compere at the time in the 1960s. Disti knew Vernon Corea so
well. The three songs were – Nobody Knows The Trouble I’ve Seen, Blue Moon and
Know Other Love. Vernon has also sung the first two songs with his brother
Ernest Corea in a duet in Maha Nuge Gardens. Both brothers had very good voices
and were always singing together.
Disti also relates the stories behind the songs in his tribute to
Vernon Corea posted on the social media site, Facebook.
‘When Ivan, Vernon’s son related a very short story to me..I
almost felt the presence of this charismatic personality VERNON COREA …a legend
There are three songs tied to this bit I have to say to you..
One of Vernon’s Radio Ceylon colleagues was getting married and he
mentioned that he wished he could have had a set of musicians at his wedding
reception… but could not afford
it…So Vernon got together some musicians friends..and his son Ivan carried his
‘recorder’ and Ivan played it , Vernon sat at the piano..and the music played
on…just like a fairy tale…………..
The Groom did not have to pay of course, and so the true personality,
the sparkling, magnanimous personality of VERNON COREA was on show………. He went out made a
recording for his wife Monica, these were the days of 78 rpm and
gramaphones…yeah he sang this for her. NO OTHER LOVE was derived from CHOPIN’s
etude and the famous JO STAFFORD sang this beautiful song…Today , I dedicate
this in memory of a friend of mine and a friend of RHYTHM KINIGHTS… Pardon me,
for any shortcomings on my part,,, on these three song I have sung here — at
Posted on the Radio
Ceylon Facebook Group Page.
Others who lived down Lighthouse Street are,
Kabeer Hajiar, Khamseen Datha, Sithy
Khadija, Durriya, Haleema, Khaija, Inaya, ROWLEY & BASHEERA
Austin Perera & family. Daughter Anoma
and Nafeesa, their children Fouqiya (Mohideen – Dr. Saud’s brother), Fareeza
(Abul – HH’s brother) and Sithy Fathuma (Fazlani), Mohideen and Shamsadeen
family (NN=Sunlight House), Zohariya & Ajward. AASIYA, MARIAM & RAISA
Arafa Datha, Ruwaisa, Raisa, & Ramali
Deen, Sithy, & Mohamed
Umma Datha (NN=Baboodu) & Abdul Rahman
Ain, Jiffry, Rehana, Faiza, Fahumiya, & Jamaldeen
Hajiar & Mubeena family. Children Fareed, Athifa, Sithy Faseena, Authad
Haji (Faiza), Zakiya, Rauf, Aroos, Madeefia Rauf Aroos, & Shafi. NN=ElGuli Udu
Cecil V Wickremanayake – says From
Mahamodera, we moved into the Galle Fort to an enormous house in Lighthouse
Street. The house was once a hotel in the days when ships called at Galle. Its
rooms upstairs were numerous and its hall enormous. So big that Dad often
played host to those holding meetings there, like the newly formed Suriya-mal
Frequent visitors were Bevis Bawa, a
close friend of Uncle Guy, Wijayananda Dahanayake, a teacher, Jimmy de Livera,
an Excise Inspector, Edgar Ephraums a businessman - the father of the lovely
Sylvia who a few years later became the pulse of my heart when we studied
together at Richmond College.
There were also the Abeywickramas and
the Amarasuriyas, Rick Abeywardena, who we called "Lower Bar Uncle
Eric" to distinguish him from Dad’s elder brother Eric. Around the time of
the Suriya Mal Campaign, another visitor was Dicky Jayewardene, who had just
returned from England.
Thaha Cassim and Family
Wijenayake Family
Albert Family NN=KiriAlbert - because he
owned a large herd of cattle
Sultan Marikar family and daughter
Jiffry Careem, Naima, Fahari, &
The Ladies Zavia
Proctor Saheed, Fowziya, Faariha, Naval,
Madaniya Ismail, Rias, Shibly, Haniya, Raaniya, & Seema
– Sithy Fathima, Zainab, Affan, Ashraf, Rakeeba, Sithy Zuhri, & Azri
Mayor Wahab, (former High Commissioner to Ghana
and First Muslim Mayor of Galle), wife Saadiya & family. Children Za’faran, Ni’math, Minna,
& Ahmed
Nafasiya Cassim
Fathuma Hamza
Zainab Kuhafa
Kuhafa (Australia)
Deen (Australia)
Hussain Baba, now in South Africa says, “While we were away in Hongkong, my
maternal grandmother
Mrs. Hashim Farsi, aunty Faasiya and her children
including Mohamed Thowfeek used to stay at my parents house.”
As stated by Fathima Hanim, some of the
families still living down Lighhouse street since the 60s are,
“Bary Mohamed,
his wife and one daughter”
“Ms Nafasiya
“The late Mr
Wijenayake’s daughter, Shiromi, son in law and grandkids”
“Ms Fathuma (widow of the
late Hamza, my moms youngest brother), her daughter Raajiha (Risham), and their
three children”
“Ms Zainab Kuhafa,
her husband, and three children”
Raqeeba, three daughters,sons in law and grandchildren”
The narrow Parawa Street branches off from
Chando Street and leads up to Temple Road where a new tourist hotel has been
Zaviya of the Shasuli Order is located here.
family whose children are Shafeek and Khaija
family and daughter Mashooda
Wadood, Sa’ada, Zain Rifa
(NN=Turkey), wife
Nazali and children Zeenath & Rebab
(NN=Lipton House)
family, Nawaz, Zameela, Hurriya, Mansoor, Rumy & HIBSHIYA
Faleel (NN=Badr Udu)
family and children Zulfiya, Infiya, Safwan, & Zanhar
Hanim states that some of the people still living down this street, since the 60s
Zain Rifa’s daughter, son in law and grandchildren”
Zameela Hussain, son, daughter in law and grandkids”
& Mrs Gunawardene and their daughter”
Marikar & Girly, children Laila, Reema & Shaamil.
Salie – House Nizam Hajiar & Nasiya.
Nadia, Ninzer, Naseer, & Nilar. Grandma Sithy
Datha and children Fathuma & Fowse
Hussaina, Rizna, Rizani & Ismail
family, Isma, Jiffriya, & Miskiya
family and children Valerie & Gordon
to Ms Fathima Hanim, some of the people still living down this street, since
the 60s are,
Razeema Rauf, daughter, son in law, and grandchildren”
Modera Bay Street
Michael Roberts lived at #38
and Fathuma who lived at #40. Ismail was a jeweller.
are Faika, Shimla, & Kamil, all born at Lighthouse Street.
Shimla is married to Dr Firazath Hussain
from Charlemont Road in Wellawatte, who spent many decades working in the
Sultanate of Oman and is now back home to roost, after retirement.
They live down Fredericka Road in
Wellawatte. They have two sons, settled in the USA. The older son, Ahmed Saddam
Hussain, did a double major in Computer engineering and Business administration
and subsequently his MBA. He is currently working as a Director to a 6 billion dollar
defence contractor ATK. He is married to Chen Xinghua from China, Xinghua
has a CPA and a MBA, She is a financial manager for Walt Disney. They have a
son, Deen Kamal Hussain, born in 2009.
The second son,
Mohamed Talal Hussain, did his first degree at UCLA , and then his law at
Loyola law school. He is currently a practising lawyer in the USA.
Naasim & Riasa family. Children
Thaariq, Thaahir, & fatheen. Riasa’s mum Alavia also lives with them.
Jawad family and son Kismet
Dr Nanayakkara, consultant cardio
specialist, his sister and two nieces.
Faika Junaid
Riasa Nasim
Fatheen Anver
Jasiya Haseen
New Oriental Bakery, where crisp bread was sold
Fathima Hanim states about the people who have been living here since the 60s,
Faika Junaid”
“Ms Riasa Naasim, daughter Fatheen (Nasser Anver),
children Uzman (Attorney at Law), Ahla, & Aslam”
Street commences from the Grand Jummah Mosque, in front of the Lighthouse,
Aroos Hajiar, Madeejia Rauf Aroos (now resident down Hospital Street from Small
Cross Street).
the ramparts, opposte the bastions, there are old judges residences, which are
now the Gemunu Regiment Bastion.
Khadeeja Mohamed, co-owner /manager Ameen Hotel
Fathima Hanim states that there are people living down this street since the
60s of whom some are,
& Mrs Rauf Aroos (Jisthi Careems house which was previously known as “Pakisthan
Udu”, their son Hazik and daughter in law Imaza”
Cross Street
& Hafsa family. Children Fathuma, Saina, Zameela, Nuwaisa, Ahamed, Ismaeel,
Ilyas, Mubarak & Haleem
Datha – Children Rameeza, Firdowsiya, Fathuma, Hanbal, Nilamdeen & Zaabith
Udu, Fathuma Zohara, Thaha, Vazeera, Mukthar. Children Madeeha, Issath, Ismeth,
Fareesa, Sadeeka (married to Muheeth) whose children are Nazmi & Niyas
Zaima, Fathuma Jiffriya, & FATHUMA
family, daughter Azra.
family. Children Aakila, Hassen & Iqbaal
Aiya’s vegetable stall and small corner store
Firdousiya Nilamdeen
Firewood store
Sri Sudharmalaya Temple
Ms Fathima Hanim speaks about the people living here since the 60s,
“Ms Firdowsiya and husband Nilamdeen”
Lane I
of the people living down this street since the 60s, according to Ms Fathima Hanim,
Aroosiya Miskin, daughter Sumaiha, son in law Liyaudeen, and her three grandkids”
Siripala and his wife Kanthi”
Sandanam, Podi Haamy and their children Siripala, Pema and Lalitha.
Siripala continues to live in his house. His father Sandanam owned a Rickshaw
that many in Fort used to hire for transport purposes.
Aasiyaththa, Jamaldeen and their children, Aisha, Fathuma, Sithy
Sainambu Datha, Miskin Nana and their children Aroosiya, Ahmed
Hussain and Moma Ghani.
First Cross Street
Siripala and family
Aasiyatha, Jamaldeen, Aisha, Fathuma, Sithy, Noor, & Muhiyadeen
Lane II
Mudassar Mohideen
Ms Nasreen
Firewood store
***Good old days of the Galle Fort: Golden
by Faiza Thassim, 2012 (resident in Maryland, USA
Tucked away in the southwest corner of Sri Lanka’s
coastline, away from the hustle and bustle of the busy town of Galle lies the
quaint old peninsula that is the Galle Fort. Originally built by the Portuguese
and then modified by the Dutch in the 17th century, this little enclave shot to
fame after it was declared a World Heritage Site by the UNESCO in 1988.
Although the maintenance of this little city is
funded by the government of Netherlands, the Galle Heritage Foundation that
claims it to be insufficient says parts of the Fort will now be leased out to
commercial establishments to bridge the deficit.
Until very recent times the Galle Fort was home
to a multi-ethnic predominantly Muslim Sri Lankan community that boasted of a
laid back but productive lifestyle in a comfort zone rich in its very own
“Galle Fort” tradition and culture that only its residents knew and revelled in.
Huraiz Magdon Ismail, a former
senior member of the Galle Fort community now living in Colombo owing to
practical reasons, reminisced with the Daily Mirror about ‘the good old days”
in his beloved home town. Born (in 1934) and bred in the Fort, he recalls that
life was extremely leisurely and peaceful in those days, the majority community
Muslims along with the Sinhalese, Tamils and Burghers living in harmony as one
brotherhood. Mr. Magdon Ismail claims it was his grandfather’s family
originally from Magalle that was the first Muslim family to settle in the Galle
Fort somewhere in the early 1800s.
“It was then home to the Dutch
Burghers, a fortified and garrisoned place,” he said. “But my grandfather
somehow or the other got permission to come and settle therein with his family
and set up home in Small Cross Street. In those days all significant family
homes had nicknames and ours was called ‘Bumbleoodu” (Bumble House).
”However, this was disputed by
the late Kays Hassen who claimed it was his Muslim ancestors that first stepped
into the Fort, but Norah Roberts a long-time Librarian of the Galle Public
Library and Galle Fort historian confirmed it was the Magdon Ismail family,” he
Since its new-found exposure the market value of properties went
up, there was a demand by foreigners to buy property therein and that way the
people benefited, Magdon Ismail said. “I too benefited in a way.
My two sons were working in
Colombo, and I had the opportunity of selling my house in the Fort in 2007 for
an unexpected price, managed to purchase twin houses in Mt. Lavinia and also a
little house back again in Small Cross Street, Fort for practical plus
nostalgic reasons,” he said.
Commenting on the present face of
the Fort he said most of the house verandahs were now eateries and showrooms
selling jewellery, antiques and other items to attract foreign tourists.
“In those days, almost all front doors were kept open throughout
the day and evening. Anyone could walk in with a pleasantly resonant greeting,
share a cup of tea with the latest gossip and walk out with a long-lingering
smile. But now, most houses were closed up and it was lonely and deserted in
the evenings,” his wife Ms Rashada chimed in.
Sulmy Magdon Ismail, their son
was of the view that had there been more job opportunities closer to home,
people would not have had to move out to Colombo where anyone and everyone who
wanted to make something of their lives eventually went. “The Galle Fort was
not an income generator. Anyone can walk in and drink of its historical and
aesthetic essence free of charge. With the new trend, although some ‘hit the
jackpot’ so to speak, some others regret having sold their houses as now, even
if they gave it out on rent they would be up on the deal, as the commercial
value of the properties is very high,” he said.
Ziqufi Ismail, (no relation to
Magdon Ismail) also a much integrated ‘son’ of the Fort said his boyhood years
there were the most cherished time of his life.
“The moulding we received living
in that multi ethnic environment, loving each and every human being
irrespective of cast, religion or race is what I am made of today. My parents
moved out to Colombo for the sake of their children’s education but I used to
crave to run down to Galle on Fridays to be amongst extended family in our
sprawling family home that was nicknamed “Saappoodu,” (Saappu House) he said.
“I was among a bunch of friends
known and somewhat ‘feared’ for the boyish mischief we created in the
neighbourhood putting the likes of Tom Sawyer to shame, and we took pleasure in
the widely repeated expression that no father would give his daughter in
marriage to one of us, but fortunately I was blessed with my life partner from
my beloved city of the Galle Fort.”
Memories could be recalled and
written till a million pens ran dry, Mr. Ismail said. “We may fly all over the
world, but, we can never forget our nest. The Fort has been an example to the
entire island where the Muslims and Sinhalese lived peacefully side by side.
Most of us went to schools where ethnic groups were mixed. Practically every evening
the Pereras, Ramanayakes, Ludowikes, Mohameds and Ismails among others all
played together on the ramparts, he recalled.
Contemplating the recent
developments Ismail said some of its advantages were that there was much aid
coming from the Dutch Government to maintain this World Heritage Site. It had
become a much sought after city for holiday bungalow investments which had in
return solved the financial problems of many residents who sold their
properties at unbelievable prices.
It had developed as a ‘must stop’
tourist destination for high spending locals and foreign tourists. Residents
who had rented out their premises for businesses as well as for accommodation
were earning substantial incomes and weekends saw an influx of tourists flowing
through the streets.
Among the disadvantages he
thought was the influence of foreign entities in the social and cultural
lifestyle. In an otherwise conservative setting, their free lifestyle,
minimalistic dress code, open same-sex relationships, public consumption of
alcohol etc. had caused some uneasiness among the families who opted to stay
back in the Fort.
However, Mr. Ismail acknowledged
it was important to uphold and safeguard the religious and cultural traditions
of all communities and strike a balance by coping with inevitable change, where
they could still believe it was the best city in the world to live and visit.
24-year-old Ashkar Ahamed, a
British real estate agent now resident in the Galle Fort, who was enchanted by
the natural beauty of Sri Lanka during his initial visit to the island in 2010
went to the extent of resigning from his IT job in the United Kingdom o make
his home in Sri Lanka.
He affirmed he was fortuitous in
the time of his arrival to Sri Lanka as the country had recently come out of
the twenty-six year civil war in May 2009 and was only just rebuilding its
economy, so there were a number of business opportunities.
“My professional background was
in real estate and internet marketing. I put both disciplines to good use when
I returned to Sri Lanka in May 2011, to live here full-time, by starting a real
estate agency.
Commenting on the high demand for
property in the Fort, he explained, “Real estate prices in the Galle Fort
attract a premium compared to most parts of Sri Lanka due to the limited supply
of property and their significant commercial potential. There are only
approximately four hundred houses in the Fort with practically no bare land
available to construct additional houses,” he said, adding that the demand for
property in the Fort was high from both foreigners and Sri Lankans alike.
Mr. Ahamed further anticipated
that with tourist arrivals due to nearly treble to 2.5M in 2016, there would be
a steady stream of foreigners keen to buy property in the Galle Fort which would
keep the level of demand high for the foreseeable future. The demand itself
stemmed from that fact that property in the Fort had great commercial
potential. For example, he said if you were to renovate a property of nine
perches or more to a high standard in a colonial style complete with swimming
pool then you would have no problem renting it to tourists for 65,000 LKR per
night with an occupancy rate of at least 50%.
Additionally, if you were to open
a good quality restaurant, shop, hotel, or guesthouse which catered to the
tourist market then you would be doing stellar business from day one of
Presently, Mr. Ahamed said out of
about 400 houses, approximately 45 (11.25%) are under foreign ownership.
Foreign buyers tend to be American, Australian, and British. Most are
high-net-worth individuals living in Singapore or Hong Kong working for major
global banks. Sri Lanka’s proximity to Singapore and Hong Kong, with cheap
regular flights, makes it a popular holiday destination for them. Typically,
even after just one or two visits a foreign buyer is captivated by the Galle
Fort and buys a property here which they would then renovate over a twelve to
eighteen month period into a Colonial style villa.
They would then use the property
as a holiday home as well as enjoying healthy rental income and capital
Mr. Ahamed stated his biggest
concern was that illegal construction work which resulted in the destruction of
colonial architecture was still going on with no action taken by the relevant
authorities. Although the number of instances of illegal construction had
decreased dramatically it still prevailed and threatened to spoil the beautiful
environment of the Galle Fort.
Aunty Fathuma of Galle – Daily News Feb 17, 2003
Professor Muhammad Uvais Sideek Sultan Bawa
courtesy: Daily Mirror
Muhammad Uvais Sideek Sultan Bawa known at St.Aloysius' College just as
"Bawa".A son of Ruhuna, born and bred in Galle, Sultanbawa showed hos
scholarship and promise in his early days at St Aloysious’ College, Galle.
He entered
the University of Ceylon and while progressing towards his degree in Chemistry,
cruel fate downed him with sickness just before his final examination.
Undeterred by this, a characteristic courage which he was to display on many
occasions in later life too, Sultanbawa took the London University Examination
and netted a First Class Degree. He joined the then Industrial Research
Lasboratory established by D.H. Balfour and for a time served as one of the
“Balfour boys”.
preference for academic life soon brought him to the Department of Chemistry of
the University of Ceylon. He went to the Imperial College London for his PhD
and worked for Professors E A Braude and L N Owen. He returned to his native
land in 1945. A batch of young chemistry (special) students, did not take too
kindly at first to the new lecturer in the blue suit, who at that time failed
to appreciate his new approach to chemistry teaching, with the accent on
literature reading. It may even be stated that he was not the best of
communicators. However, his great enthusiasm for the subject did rub off on
some. He laid the foundation for a research-based university course and
encouraged the investigative mentality in students.
Sultanbawa launched himself into the work of the
Chemistry Society of Ceylon, now the Institute of Chemistry, and the Ceylon
Association for the Advancement of Science, later the SLAA, as its General
Secretary. He enthused students at that time and many of them assisted him and
his good friend and colleague the late Professor Stanley Wijesundera and his
research partner Jinapala Alles, in the organization of a series of islandwide
school science exhibitions under the wing of the CAAS. Sultanbawa’s interaction
with the chemistry students of the time in this endeavor brought out the best
in him.
Professor Eric Fonseka, the then head of the
Chemistry department following the death of Professor Kandiah, left the
organization and moved to Peradeniya with Sultanbawa. Indeed, this writer feels
strongly that the University of Peradeniya would do justice by naming the
department after him, “the Sultanbawa Department of Chemistry”. For many years
Peradeniya Chemistry was synonymous internationally with the name of
Sultanbawa. He built its research tradition. The tribute paid by his
colleagues, on his 75th birthday anniversary a few years ago bears testimony to
his incomparable contribution to the teaching of Chemistry in Sri Lanka, and in
particular to the Peradeniya campus.
Both in his career as a research scientist and
in his role of a scientific leader in his country many honors came his way. He
was conferred with a Vidya Jothi by the the President of Sri lanka. Sultanbawa
was made a Fellow of the Indian National Academy, and was a winner of the
Guinness Award for Scientific Achievement in 1978. He and his research team at
Peradeniya also won a Presidential Award for their research work, besides being
recognized worldwide as one of the leading schools of research on natural
products. Sultanbawa was a dynamic man with skill, dedication, and a philosophy
that helped him keep his sense of dignity and balance despite hard luck that
might come his way. This indeed was, apart from his special skills, the secret
of his success. There was one other and that was his wife Sithna, whom every
student and colleague voted was the ideal scientists’ wife. She was a friend to
them all, and a pillar of strength in a most unostentatious manner to her
husband. As much as one lauded Sultanbawa himself, one was charmed by his
talented family of two sons and two daughters.
Sultanbawa’s name and influence will remain for
many generations through his students and the research colleagues and members
of the chemical fraternity.
Daily News Wed May 12, 1999
Ahamed – an Ambassador who won the hearts of the people
Colombo Times Jun 18 2020
Former Sri Lankan Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Mohamed Izzat Ahamed was laid to
rest at the Saffron Hill Cemetery, Leicester, following Janaza prayers on
passed away peacefully in the United Kingdom at the Leicester Royal Infirmary
(a Hospital in Leicester) on Wednesday morning and he was buried in the evening
on the same day.
was ambassador in Riyadh for well over two years during my period in the Saudi
capital in 1992. During his tenure as Ambassador of Sri Lanka in Saudi Arabids,
he was determined to do tangible services for the migrant workers in the
Kingdom and also he was very keen on taking the Saudi-Lanka relations to new
education as his priority, the envoy made far-reaching changes at the Sri Lanka
International School, which was the first international institution to be
established outside the island. He was responsible for bringing former Nalanda
College principal D.G.Sumanaskera as the principal of the international school
in Riyadh. He revised the salary structure of the staff of the school and also
introduced several extra-curricular and co-curricular activities in the school.
Also he took a keen interest in the activities of the Sri Lankan Expatriates
Society, where he was instrumental in organizing a fund-raising campaign and
bought a coach for the labour wing of the embassy to transport the stranded
housemaids to ferry them to the airport and hospitals free-of-charge. He also
gave a new look to the Sri Lankan mission in Riyadh by furnishing the embassy
with new carpets and furniture. “ Beautifying the mission will give a good
image of Sri Lanka and people can be attracted to visit Sri Lanka in this
manner,” he once said, pointing out that the Saudis are heavy spenders and when
they visit Sri Lanka, the country can be benefited from such activities.
was one of those Lankan diplomats who moved with the kings, princes, diplomats
and also with the common man confidently with a sense of cordiality, goodwill
and sincerity.
had a good team in Riyadh with this gentleman ambassador, who harnessed the
talents and goodwill of persons like Engineer AGA Barrie, Prasad Kariyawasam,
Abdul Wahab, P. Packianathan, Razeen Salih, Ameen Yusuf and several others
whose names cannot be mentioned due to want of space.
had a dream to build the Sri Lankan International School in Riyadh to have its
own building but, unfortunately, the plan was toppled because of the
short-sighted people of a few Sri Lankans who resisted the move.
is survived by his two fondest sons Faisal and Aslam and his beloved wife Rizvi
Marikar Bawa. The writer can still remember his wife telling about her husband
when Ahamed was sick. “ I treat him like a flower because he is such a nice
person,” his wife Rizvi said.
flowers that blossom in this world tend to fade and perish sooner or later.
Sincerely, hope and pray that Ahamed should blossom in heaven and remain as
fresh as dew till we all meet together.
Bye Sir for the fondest remembrances you have left behind in this world, where
nothing is permanent except death.
Other significant
personalities identified by Uzman Anver are,
Bygone Past
1. Dr PD Anthonisz
2. OLM Macan Markar Family
and Sir Mohamed Macan Markar & his Sisters
3. Muhandiram F. A.
Wickremesinghe - Hayley's
4. Professor Llyn Ludowyk
5. Abdul Raheem's Family
and Thaha Cassim - CJS
6. Jiffry Careem - Careem
Known Past
1. Nesta Broheir nee Ephraums -
2. Hussain Cassim - Twin Towers
3. Justice Issadeen Ismail - SC Judge
4. Norah Roberts - Librarian
5. Michel Roberts
6. AM Saheed Proctor
7. Emiretus Professor Rifdy Mohideen
8. Major Hussain
9. MHA Gaffar Hajiar - Historic Mansion
10. Ms Wijenayake- former deputy mayor
1. Authad Hajiar
2. Ibrahim Hajiar
3. HH
4. Izzeth Ali - former deputy Mayor
5. Muhsin Baba - Gems & jewelry
6. Ibrahim Jewellers
7. Jayasinghe Haamu
8. Charlette - Lawyer
9. Karuna Ayya - Shop
10. John Ayya - Baber
11. Pakeer Nana - Social Service
Fathima Hanim Siyoothy recounts the following folks:-
“The late Na'man Hajiar, The lebbe, who taught
the basics and the Quran to all the children in the Fort
The late Aasiyatha who lived down New lane I and
passed away at the ripeold age of around 105/107, in excellent health.
She would have been the ideal person to give us
all the details of the people who lived in the Galle Fort. An outspoken lady, perfectly
normal and alert, who remembered everyone’s history even when she was in her late
90s. On one occasion when I happened to pass by her house, she was seated
inside and saw me, and called out to saying, “How is your daughter. Give her my
Thalha Lebbe
who lived down Leyn Baan Street, then, on Middle Street and also later
on Chando Street. People would go to him for treatment of all kinds of ailments.
He would recite verses from the Qu'ran and blow into a glass of water which people would bring from their
homes. He was also the registrar of Muslim marriages.
Authad Hajiar who lived down Lighthouse Street, who was a
very pious person.
Habsammatha who lived doen Small Cross Street and
later, down Lighthouse Street. She would organize trips around Ceylon and many
of the Fort people would join her group.
My maternal uncle, Ibrahim Hajiar, who would
always have a bag of sweets hanging from his waistband.on his way home from the
Envelope factory on Pedlar Street, which he would distribute to each child who
happened to be seated on their doorstep or playing on the streets.”
Galle Fort Kandoori’s (feasts)
An Annual Feast is held within the Galle Fort to
commemorate a saint where large numbers of people attend and partake in the
rituals and lunch served thereafter.
The event is organized and managed by the Ahlus-Sunnah Wal Jammah Galle Fort Young Muslim committee and Galle Muslim Cultural Association. Special
recitals and supplications are joined in by all those present.
Qadiriyyah Foundation also conduct an annual feast in memory of His Holiness
Salih Woliullah at Fort Ga
of Badrin Razhiallahu Ta ' ala Anhu
A sufi shrine
located at south eastern corner of the Fort. It is believed that the saint was
one of seven pious men who were washed ashore on to the coast of the Galle Fort
in ancient times.
It is also
believed that the most likely, the seven Ziyarams of the seven saints could be
(1) Baththiri - Galle Fort (2) Awliyamala - Gintota (3) Katchchuwatta -
Katugoda (4) Awliyamala - Matara (5) Kapparatota - Weligama and (6) & (7)
his two student saints or the two Awliyas buried in Osanagoda.
Significant events held in Galle Fort
Sent by Rauf Aroos Hajiar, the Trustee of the Meeran Mosque
1. Meera Sahib Mowlood Thamaam at Meeran Mosque
2. Muhiyadeen Mowlood Thamam at Meeran Mosque
3. Silsila Kandoori at Jiffry Thakkiya
4. ManakibuShazuli for 10 days and nights. Final day lunch at gents Zavia
5. Ladies Zavia for 6 days, Bayan after ‘Asr Prayer. Final day Thamam
6. Hussain Mowlood after ‘Asr prayer, for 12 days. Final day at Jiffry
7. Pookaka Thakkiya Hussain Mowlood for 12 days and Thamam
8. Rabiul Awwal of first crescent at late Kays Nana’s and “Bank”
Mubarak’s house with dinner served on 2 days at each residence
9. Gent’s Zavia for 12 days recital in Rabiul Awwal and breakfast. Final
Meelad Day lunch
Ladies Zavia for 12 days recital of
Subhana Mowlood after ‘Asr with lunch served on final day
Aashoora 10th crescent day
dinner at Sithy Moosin’s house
Badiriya Kandoori for ladies at late Zacky
Datha’s house
Jalaliya Rathib Thamam for ladies at late
Najihanim’s house
Jalaliya Rathib at Jiffry Thakkiya for
Faika’s house Badiri Kandoori dinner
Young mens Badiri Kandoori lunch
Baraath Day recital of Yaseen at night
after Maghrib prayer at Meeran Mosque. Dinner, rotti kandoori
Mihraj Kandoori lunch at Meeran Mosque
Shafi Imam kandoori dinner at gents Zavia
OLM Macan Markar Kandoori dinner at
Macan’s house
17 day of Ramadhan, Badiri Kandoori, for
Suhoor meal at Jiffry Thakkiya
Distribution of Kidu Rice to all houses
Sunday reciral of Badr Mowlood by ladies
Monday Jalaliya Rathib recital at Jiffry
Thakkiya after ‘Asr prayer (Ms Awathifa Rizvi)
Wednesday Jalaliya Rathib by Ladies Study
Circle after ‘Asr prayer
Thursday recital of Zikr and Waleefa
(Yakoothiya) Rathib by ladies after ‘Asr prayer
Friday Jalaliya Rathib at Dr SK Ali
(Najhani Datha’s)
Monthly (first Tuesday) recital of Salawath
by ladies
Monthly (second Tuesday) recital of Zikr
at Riyasa Nazims (Fatheen’s house
Note: Previously there used to be a
monthly Salawath recital by the gents
after ‘Isha prayer
weekly Hadees/meaning of the Quran
translation into Tamil after ‘Asr prayer every Monday
adds to the list by highlighting the events based on location and hosting as
Meeran Jumma
Hoisting of the flag after Asar
prayers and reciting Fathia and Dua in the name of Nagoor Meera Saibo and after
Isha recital of the history of the Saint (Sharithiram) and Kithchadi with other
niyath served for the first two days
Meera Sahib Mowlood and Chishti recitation
for 10 days and niyath given by turn holders and final Thamam with sawan
kanduri in the night
Hoisting of the flag after Asar
and reciting of the Muhiyadeen Mowlood for 10 days and Thamam after Asar and on
the same day Koppa Shoru distribution for lunch to the Fort Muslim residents
Barath Day recitation of 03 Yaseens
after Magrib Prayers and dinner served with the collection of Rotti and Milk
Rice with beef curry
Mihraj recitation after Magrib
Prayers with niyath distributed and on the next day Sawan distribution for the Muslim residents of Fort
After Jumma prayers in the month
of Ramazan, Halara conducted by the Sahahuliya Thareekath
Religious events
at Thakkiyas and Zaviyas
Jiffry Thakkiya and Pookaka Thakkiya
Jiffry Thakkiya
Muharam from 1st crescent
moon for 12 days – Recitation of Hussain Mowlood after Asar Prayers and final
day Koopa Shoru
Soon after 6 days fasting in
Shawwal month, the first Friday night Sil Sila Manaqib recitation in the night
for 10 days and final day Kandoori lunch
Following day after Sil Sila
Thamam, recitation of Katahmul Quran in the name of all the departed Jiffry
Tharika Mowlanas after Magrib and dinner
Jalaliya Rathib for ladies at the
Thakkiya on every month Monday’s after Asar Prayer (Ms Awathifa Rizvi) and
final Thamam with lunch and on the night before the Thamam, recital of Rathib after
Magrib and dinner
Battle of Badr - 17th Day
of Ramadan, recital of Badiri Mowlood at Sahr time with Sahar meals
Every Thursday and Sunday nights
recitations of Jiffry Mowlana Mowlood
Pookaka Thakkiya
Muharam from the 1st crescent
moon for 12 days - Hussain Mowlood recitation after Magrib prayers and Thamam on
the final day with the distribution of Koppa Shoru bag to Muslim residents
Mohideen Mowlood recitations
during the respective Islamic months
Shahizi Zaviya and
Ummil Fukara
Shahizi Zaviya -
Rabiual Awwal month – Subahana Mowlood
and Hareed Mowlood recitation and Halara for 12 days in the mornings with
breakfast and on the final day lunch on Meelad Day
On the final day after Halara,
Birzanji Mowlood Dua is recited before Luhar prayers
Manakibu Shazuli recitation and Bayan
related to Abdul Hassen Shazuki Rahamathulla for 10 days at night with meals
and on the final 11th day, Thamam lunch
After Barath and before Ramazan, Shaffi
Imam Mowlood recitations for 1 day after Magrib and Bayan, Yanabee and Dua recitation
and dinner after Isha prayers
Halara on every Saturday’s after
Magrib and before Isha and refreshments served
Ummil Fukara - Ladies
Every Thusrsday evening i.e Friday night
recitation of Hareed Mowlood and Niyath distribution before Magrib
After Hajj Festival - Manakibu Shazuli recitation
and Hadees for 6 days after Asar Prayers and next day Thamam lunch
Following day after the Thamam, recitation
of Katamul Quran on all the departed persons
Rabiual Awwal - Subahana Mowlood recitation
for 12 days after Asar and lunch on final day
Recitation of different Mowloods monthly related
to the respective Islamic month and event namely, Mohideen Mowlood / Meera
Sahib Mowlood / Shamadar Mowlood / Badri Awliya Mowlood / Harees Mowlood / Talai-Fathiiya
/ Hussain Mowlood / Baranjee Mowlood by the ladies
Kulafa Rasideen Mowlood recitation before the
Ramazan commencement on a convenient day
Bathiri Ziyaram - Ziyaram is
situated at the beach near the Army Camp and a well beside the Ziyaram that
never runs dry
Subanha Mowlood and Yaseen recitation
at the Ziyaram after Asar Prayers, one week before Ramazan commencement and Niyath
distributed (Annually)
In the name of the Saint at
Bathiri Ziyaram, Galle Fort Youths organizes a Kidu / Sawan rice and distribute
to each Muslim residents and for those who had contributed Niyath money out of Fort
Every person passes this Holy
shrine, recites a Fathia in the name of Bathri Sahabalkal
Mowloods and
Annual Mowloods
O.L.M. Marcan Markar Kandoori (Marcans)
with lunch with a piece of specially prepared muskat and the recitation of
Rasoolmala on the previous night
Abdul Rahims Kandoori with lunch
and now continued at Colombo by Nizam Cader
Late Thaha Cassim (Colombo
Jewllers) Mowlood and lunch at Galle Fort residence
Rabiul Awwal of 1st crescent
moon, recitation at Late Kayes and Mubarak houses with dinner served on 2 consecutive
days at their residences
On the 9th crescent moon
day of Muharam (Ashoora) recitation of Talai-Fathiya at Sappudu, Galle Fort with
dinner and now continued at Dehiwala
On the 10th day of
Ashura, Iftar programme and Kathamul Quran Thamam in their parents name and
Halara with dinner for special invitees at Sithy Moosin’s residence
Recitation of Badri Mowlood every
week Sundays after Asar and Badririya Kandoori Thamam before commencement of
Ramazan with lunch at Late Zacky Thatha residence for ladies
Recital of Yaseen and Kathmul
Quran at the Bathri Sahabakal Ziraram after Magrib and recitation of Hadad
Rathib after Isha prayers at Faika Junaid’s residence with dinner
Recitaion of Kawja Mohideen
Chisti Manaqib for 5 days started by Late Potti Sally, now recited at Basheera’s
house and final day niyath to each house
Mowlood recitation on the last
day of Rabiual Awaal at Iflal Kudoos residence with dinner
Jalaliya Rathib conducted for
ladies at Late Najihani Datha’s residence on every Saturdays after Asar
(earlier at Thalal Lebbe’s) and Thamam before one week before the commencement
of Ramazan
Baranjee Mowlood Recital at Tesco
house at midnight and recital of Dua before Fajr Azan admire the birth
time of Holy Prophet Muhamad (SAL), earlier conducted at Awthard Hajiar’s ancestral
Hareed Mowlood and Halara
recitation and lunch was at Kuhafa nana residence and now continued by Afan and
Ashraf Kuhafa with lunch
Harred Mowlood and Subahaha
Mowlood Dua recitation and dinner given by late M. K. M. Ismail at their
residence now given to BIA college students
Weekly / Monthly
– Mowloods / Rathibs / Recitaion of Salawath and Zikr
Zikr and Waleefa (Yakoothiya)
Rathib conducted by Ladies on every Thursdays
Recital of Salawath by Ladies on
first Tuesday of each month
Recital of Zikr at Riyasa Nasim’s
residence on every second Tuesday of each month
Recitation of Nakshabandiya Zikr
(Sheik Nassim) at Riyas Nassim’s residence every month Tuesdays
Jalaliya Rathib recitation after
Asar Prayers by Ladies Study Circle one day before Ramazan by members and
special invitees
Recital at Aminatha House during
respective Islamic month - Mohideen Mowlood with Koppa Shoroo niyath and Sheik
Dawood Mowlood with lunch
Once a month, Salath-un-Naria
recitations at the Galle Muslim Cultural Association with dinner sponsored by
the donors for males
Holy Prophet
Muhamad (SAL) celebrations – Rabiual Awwal
Recitation of Subahana Mowlood
for 12 days after Magrib during the Rabiual Awwal
12 days Bayan after Isha prayers
daily during Rabiual Awwal month at the Meera Mosque
On the 12th day of Holy
Prophet Muhamad (SAL) birthday celebration at the Galle Fort conducted by Galle
Muslim Cultural Association and distribution of prizes to winners of Islamic
The day after the 12th
day of Holy Prophet Muhamad (SAL) birthday, celebration conducted at Bahijathul
Ibrahimiya Arabic College (BIA) organised by the students of the college
After 12 days Meelad, Fort Youth
distributes lunch to each Muslim residents of Fort and donors
Past Annual Mowloods at Homes discontinued
Mowlood recitation and lunch at Late
Muhamad Ali nana residence (Ali Bros)
Mowlood recitation and lunch by
Gemrich, Colombo was given at Gemrich residence
Mowlood recitation and lunch by
Stylex ,Colombo was given at Sappudu
Sheik Dawood Mowlood recitation
at Late Sainoon Thatha’s residence
Aziz states,
“Every Saturday and Sunday evening, the men
from Galle Fort who were mainly working or doing business in Colombo, would
meet in their 'mini Parliament on the grassy area on the Rampart of the Galle
Fort very near to the beautiful Fort Mosque. The Agenda for their meetings was
appropriately termed ' Seethala' bcoz it was a kind of shooting the breeze with
harmless gossip, interesting events and happenings in the preceding week,
breaking news and anything juicy. In fact, Seethala Group on Facebook got its
name from this informal group of Galle Fort 'parliamentarians'!!”
“My Father late Senior Advocate MHA Aziz had his
roots in Talapitiya, a couple of Kms outside the Fort but as a popular Advocate
and Tennis player of repute, he had more to do with Galle Fort than his birth
place. He built a very lucrative legal carrier in the law courts in the Fort
and he was the uncrowned Tennis Champion of Galle and the Southern province,
making his name famous as an accomplished left handed tennis champ from the
tennis courts situated just inside the entrance to the Fort.”
“My late Dad also started the very first Ahadiyya
Sunday School in the Fort. There are now 500+ Ahadiyya Schools all over the
island today with a Ahadiyya Academy, off Kuliyapitiya”
The Eulos/The New Bastion that has a flight of
stone steps leading down to the sea, in the southern sector, is a popular location
for those wanting to take a dip in the Indian Ocean. There is a fresh water well
nearby which was covered with jungle shrubs and later restored during the period
of ex Mayor ARM Thassim.
The famous fiction author, DH Lawrence wrote,
“Oh you pleasant visitors!
Come hither, come hither,
Here shall you enter
Into the historic Dutch Fort,
To lead an ethnic life, peacefully,
To breathe fresh breeze, to recreate happily,
To hone your stiff limbs to be healthy,
To view and to pray and to worship reverentially,
The rising and the setting sun,
while marveling, all that is of the historical
Dutch Fort,
‘The citronella perfumed balmy spot’”
The old town of
Galle and its fortifications
The Island, Tue May 11 2021
Galle provides an outstanding example of urban ensemble which
illustrates the interaction of European architecture and South Asian tradition
from the 16th to the 19th centuries. Among these characteristics that makes
this an urban group of exceptional value is the original sewer system from the
17th century which is flushed with sea water and controlled by a pumping
station formerly activated by a windmill in the Triton Bastian.”
According to the Galle Heritage Foundation the Triton Bastian
(which is a projecting part of a fortification) is one of many gun Bastians
built on a long rampart. Some having been built by the Portuguese but many by
the Dutch. For the Dutch it must be remembered, such fortifications were
necessary to defend the western approaches to Galle Fort, from enemy navies. In
particular the British navy. In the article referred to above it is also stated
that “the most salient feature is the use of European models adapted by local
manpower to the geological, climatic, historic and cultural conditions of Sri
Lanka. In the structure of these ramparts coral was frequently used along with
granite. In the ground layout all the measures of length, width and height
conform to the regional metrology. The wide streets were planted with grass and
shaded with Suriyas and were lined with houses, each in its own garden and an
open verandah supported by columns which is another sign of acculturation of an
architecture which is European only in its basic design.” (AUTHOR’S NOTE :
Suriyas were trees usually used for fencing and sometimes grew to a height of
30 feet).
Built first by the Portuguese in the 16th Century, Galle reached
the height of its development during the Dutch colonial rule. Galle, it has
been claimed is the best example of a fortified city in South and South – East
Asia and is the last remaining fortress in Asia built by European occupiers.
Since it was the Dutch that earned for Galle the honour of being listed as a
World Heritage Site, it would be relevant to describe what they actually built.
Among the heritage monuments there is the Dutch Reformed Church referred to at
that time as ‘Groote Kerk.’ Located at the entrance to the Fort it was built in
1755 and is said to be the oldest Protestant church in Sri Lanka. The floor is
paved with large gravestones taken from the old Dutch cemetery. The pulpit is
made of calamander wood from Malaysia. This church is still in use.
On Church Road is All Saints Church. This is an Anglican Church
built on the site of the former Dutch Courthouse. The Church was consecrated by
Bishop Claughton, the second Bishop of Colombo on February 21, 1871. Prior to
this the Anglican congregation used to worship in the earlier mentioned Dutch
Reformed Church. Today the faithful still gather here for worship. An
interesting fact is that a large bell was installed in the dome of the Church
in memory of the first Vicar, Rev Dr. Schrader. However for security reasons
this bell was lowered in 1960, and now lies in the premises of the Cathedral of
Christ the Living Saviour in Colombo.
Along Lighthouse Street is what has been described as a ‘quaint
little’ Roman Catholic Church. It was built by the Dutch in 1893 and is claimed
to be one of the oldest Roman Catholic Churches in the country where services
are held even today. Referring to Churches one cannot overlook another historic
landmark, namely the magnificent St Mary’s Cathedral located on Prison Road, in
the city of Galle. It was built in 1874, but not by the Dutch. It was by the
Society of Jesus. There is no doubt that this too would have contributed to the
inscription of World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
Catering to the religious needs of the Buddhist population there
lies along Rampart Street the Sri Sudharmalaya Temple which was built as far
back as 1889.In the construction of this temple there is evidence of the impact
of Dutch and European architecture. And then we come to the beautifully
crafted, majestic, Meeran Mosque, built in 1904, it is located opposite the
Galle Lighthouse and was and still is a place of deep veneration and prayer for
the Muslims who form the largest religious group within the Fort.
Moving from the religious to the secular, there can be seen as one
enters the Galle Fort through the Old Gate, the British Coat of Arms, with the
inscription ‘ Dieu et Mon Droit (God and My Right). In the inner part of this
fortified entrance is a 1668 dated inscription with the letters VOC (Verenigde
Oostindinsche Compagnie – meaning Dutch East India Company). Further inside the
Fort is the 87 ft. tall, Lighthouse, built by the British in 1939. However the
earlier Lighthouse also built by the British in 1848 was destroyed by fire in
1936. Further into the Fort on Church Street was the old Government House.
Built in 1683 it was used for administrative purposes and also served as the
residence of the Commander. Regrettably however it is now closed, for visitors.
Near the Old Gate was the Great Warehouse built around 1669 which
was used to store spices and ship’s equipment. It now houses the National
Maritime Museum. One of the oldest buildings within the Fort is the Dutch
Hospital built in the 17th Century, referred to as the Old Dutch Hospital, very
aptly it is on Hospital Street and close to the harbor for the benefit of Dutch
seamen. It was supposed to be built on a location where there was a Portuguese
mint. In 1850 the British converted this to a barracks. It is now a shopping
and restaurant arcade.
Then on Church Street there is another complex built in 1684 as
the headquarters of the Dutch commanders and the staff. In 1865 it was
converted to the New Orient Hotel catering to European passengers travelling
between Europe and Galle. Today it is the five star Amangalla Hotel. Outside
the Galle Fort on the southern side of Galle Bay in an island promontory. On it
is Closenberg Hotel. It is a story of the transformation of an elegant manor to
a star- class hotel. Once called Villa Marina, it was built in 1859 by Captain
Bayley, who was the local agent for the P & O Shipping Company. It changed
ownership in 1889 to Simon Perera Abeywardena who was the son-in-law of one of
the country’s greatest entrepreneurs and philanthropists, Sir Charles Henry de
Soysa. In 1965 this home was reconstructed to be a hotel. It was named
Closenberg. The name is derived from the Dutch name Klossenburg, which means a
small fort on which the sea roars.
Yet another chapter in the colorful history of Galle began in
1796, when the British East India Company entered Ceylon from India where it
had its stronghold. Quite naturally they nudged the Dutch out of Galle. Two
large Sri Lankan conglomerates which had in those early years been British
companies, had their beginning in Galle. One was Chas. P. Hayley and Company
which was established in 1878 and much later became Hayleys PLC. The other was
Clarke Spence and Company, which was established in 1868 and much later became
Aitken Spence PLC.
From buildings and companies let’s move on to trees. In fact one
particular tree – The breadfruit tree ( Artucapus incisisus ). Known in Sinhala
as ‘del.’ It was introduced by the Dutch. In an article dated January 10, 2021
titled ‘Historical Ancient Trees in Sri Lanka’ by Hemi it is stated that this
was planted by the Dutch. circa 1721. Located near the Akersloot Bastian. It is
still in existence.
And then Alas! came the Tsunami on December 26, 2004. At 6.28 that
morning a mega under-sea earthquake of 9.3 on the Richter scale erupted near
Banda Aceh in Sumatra. This sent 100 ft high waves speeding across the Indian
Ocean ferociously lashing Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India,
Maldives, Myanmar and even Somalia –in that order. By 9.25 the waves smashed
into the southern and south-western coast. Amongst the districts affected was
Galle. The walls of the rampart which were built to withstand cannon fire now
acted to withstand Nature’s fury. They became wave breakers. In addition the
effective drainage system installed by the Dutch drained off the flood waters
without much damage within the Fort itself.
To quote Fr. Damian Arsakularatne, a highly respected Roman
Catholic priest who was the former Director of Caritas which was one of the
many organisations that did post- tsunami, reconstruction work ” If the Fort
had not been there, Oh my God!, I can’t even imagine the damage that would have
been. It saved us.” However the adjacent Galle International Stadium and
grounds suffered severe damage. In fact the stadium served as a temporary
shelter for hundreds of persons who had lost their homes. In Galle town the old
vegetable market built by the British in 1890 was in shambles.
Fort Culinary Delicacies
Thakkadi (Dumplings & Rice Balls)
Aviyal (yams, greens and dried fish cooked in coconut milk) Folk lore has it that Aviyal was originally
created by a Galle Fort mother who had too many mouths to feed and could not
afford to cookmany different curries to satisfy all of them and hence chose to
mix the yams that went into Aviyal and prepare one big dish that would be sufficient
for all. It is made up of a rich curry consisting of salted boney fish, white
rice, coconut flakes, breadfruit, pumpkin, spinach, sweet yam (batala) and and
another yam called ‘gahala’, mixed in coconut milk and spiced with salt,
turmeric, and chillie. [Uzman Anver, Attorney at Law, Galle Fort]

Ambul Thiyal (Salted Fish)
Kettu Soru (basket rice) is another special Galle delicacy of rice prepared with Dhal (lentils), Kaliya (Egg plant/Aubergine), curried Potato, Karuwadu (Dried salted fish, fried), Pilakotta (Jak seed, fried), Batala porichchi (Sweet yam, fried), Eracci Porichchi (beef, fried), mango chutney, Meen Theechi (Salted fish cooked in thick gravy), Boiled Egg, Fried Egg, shredded Jak cooked, grated coconut & turmeric sambol, all packed, wrapped and served in a green banana leaf.
Badawaa Fish (Lutjanus rivulatus)
Badawaa fish is eaten with white rice, coconut flakes, shredded jak, onions,
cooked with potato, eggplant, sweet potato, breadfruit, and raw mango. It is a
blubberlip snapper (or Maori snapper), a species native to the Indian
Ocean and into the Pacific Ocean as far east as Samoa. They inhabit
waters over rocky substrates at depths from 15m to 100m.
Gentlemen from the community
Fort Ladies
Ladies Kandoori
Watti Shoru (Basket rice)
Fin Tuna fish (Kelawalla/ Thunnus albacares) salted with small squid (tempered
in oil), onions, sliced egg plant, sprats, deep fried shrimp, deep fried
mackerel served on a large platter (Sahan) which serves 6/8 people.
Galle Pickle
Sweet potato, Yam, Pumpkin, raw Banana,
red onion, salted fish and lime
Paal Poluppu (Kiri Hodi/Coconut curry
Pacha Shambul
(red onions, green chillies finely chopped, Maldive fish salt, and lime juice in a mix)
foods popular in the Fort, which are also commonly found among the Moors of
Colombo, Kandy, and other cities, are, Pirini (semolina pudding), Adukku Rotti
(meat pie), Semolina Jaggery Cake, Breadfruit Meat curry, Kalawan (mix of meat
parts), Semolina Fritters.
The population of Galle Fort was 1,068
in the year 2012. The ethnicity ratio was,
851 Muslims
577 Sinhalese
36 Tamils
65 foreigners
a total of 1,529 in 2009, according to the Survey of Galle Heritage
Foundation (Liyana Arachchi 2009)
Huge credit is due to Ms Fathima Hanim*
Siyoothy, of Leyn Baan Street, Fort, Galle, who took tremendous pains in
mapping the streets and their inhabitants with some history of their ancestors
who lived in the Fort. Other Galle Fort folks who lent a hand in compiling her
work are Ms Sithy Nuwaira Hamza Marikkar, Sathar Cader, Ms Fathuma Hamza, Ms
Fazniya Zain Vilcassim, Ms Zameela Hussain, Ms Rizna Hussain, Ms Fazlyn Sheriff,
Ifthikhar Aziz, Aamina Nizar, Muwaffaka Siyoothy Elneser, Saheedulla, &
Uzman Anver (Attorney at Law). My sincere thanks to all of them without whose
erstwhile contributions this work could never have been achieved. May they all be Blessed!
The Fort in Ancient Times